They just take my brother to the operating room. Actually I do not know how you get to the Carrion from Chorrillos in middle of the night.
Everything went very fast,
It was all very shocking,
not know what to feel,
not know how to react,
him and I did not speak, do not know why busy doing it. Nor do I mean. A couple of months ago I read that I hated, I wanted her dead. And, like everything turns ironically, this morning, I saved yours.
While in the car passed this song ...
and that song reminds me of him ... porqe at a point in space-time, he liked that group. At that time, I recommend that song. I never told him.
And like that, never said many things, never said I wanted to, never told him his words hurt me or omissions. I never told a number of things that maybe I should.
even saw him on a stretcher in the hospital ... when I was about to go to the operating room, I said, "I'll do, I'll tell you what I feel." However, by then ... he was already sedated. And I had to eat whatever I felt.
probably very foolish and cowardly. Nolosé. I just know that it is the 5:16 a.m. in the morning and face hurts from crying so much.