Friday, January 23, 2009

Inside Of Rice Cooker Is Stained

(: (

my grandfather is crazy, but I love him so ; qe as his fingers crooked.

may not have too many memories, but never forget about for a while ...

My last grandparent, the qe is alive, his ochentaipico years ... became ill from taking a cold shower ...

After the family reunion was a little drunk, but as I got reeled into the room of my grandfather, I turned on the light and started to rub her arm as she wiped the sweat from his mouth and asked, "how are you?" . I really do not remember much about your answer, but I felt sooo good, was the first time qe "talk" with my grandfather, in that sense as "feeling".

As he watched, came to my mind memories of my other grandfather. And the fact qe never could tell how much I care, was killing me inside.

As I felt my condition depression [due to alcohol], I could not stop mourn ...

could only remember my grandfather qe Chelsea likes his movies accompanied by the Doctor charras Chapatín and "Chorris" [Chuck Norris]

... before all this, did not know qe spend my free time, now you know ...

Without You - Trio Los Panchos

PS: always I wanted qe bring mariachis ...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Can I Run Prepaid Sim On My Blackberry In India


On qe me leave the country, as mieeeeeeeeeeerda miss Lima.

anniversaries do not know how many meets, but this year will celebrate 20 years Lima. Yes, I mean me. Porqe would not be who I am today if not for all qe Lima has taught me.
Porq the everyday experiences are unique. Porq
I had the luxury qe me from peqeña show and could not be more grateful.

But better let the words ...

The Aguajal - The Shapis

PS: speaking of Lima, I have qe recommend one of my favorite books "The Labyrinth of Choledad" William Nugent. maestrazo.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sympathy Which Men Give To Get Women

chola "Today is a good day for blogging ..." HYPOTHESIS

Because previous fainting, anemia, father enjoined me to go to the clinic to undertake the cheqeos qe me de rigueur. Seriously, I hate by coverall qe things I have blood tests.

The day started well ...
despite repeated constantly: "Father, do not assume qe porqe'm on the verge of death and treatment you give me once, so I come qe avoid unfriendly hands." He was the fool, pretended not to listen to just hit upon: "Medicine is based on evidence, little girl" ...

hell I did everything: blood, electrocardiogram, but best of all were the X-ray qe and fulfilled one of my most desirable fetishes [and lasted 30 seconds, I mean very close to reality: L]

"... the door opened and a brunette in her 30's, I said calmly 'clothing qítese *... ahh I forgot, he was a doctor [I was in private practice]. I was ecstatic. Click. And I left. "

Well, actually, all qedó in my mind was qe and gown and the click was the sound of X-rays [x_x]

finally go out with the results ... in hand
Y. ... in front of me was a chok and literally, I could die and qe one of the cars spun bell

... until the cart qedó D'Onofrio qe the attic
To give another perspective to chok, let's see it through 'my X-ray vision *
well, you were maso 1 in the afternoon and as I am anemic I eat everything qe find my way and I went to Elmer qe [ed] qe closer to see was ...

I sat at a table to wait for my Chilcano, but mine were justoo alongside the head off a pig x.. X ...
nothing, nothing. Tooooooda straw as the trip was bumping into the pole and the way to its rim: S [qe stating it was difficult to find a good angle and be cove at the same time. I'd love to read EVERYTHING qe, qe what I remember: just below reading "in putamadre"] rarasoooooooo

And all this in one day ... qe qiero already be tomorrow [lie] or simply a black future ^ ^! jajajajaj [qe and laugh because I won a broncaza with my boyfriend]