was on the bus back to my home and could not stop touching my breasts and the side look surprised me: I care a chub, I went about my business as if the world did not exist, the truth is ... no could help it. I somatised whole experience today, and it was as if I had put silicone. However, the putísimo innimaginable pain right now ... was not me, but my friend.
Yes, today I accompanied her to put boobies qe, qe knew this day would come ... but I never thought qe so soon.
was not the first time qe trod the clinic, but had qe give moral support, I thought.
Upon arrival, 85% of the people who were in the lobby of the place was operated on, you could see leeeguas: false noses, goats, potos of dubious reputation and provenance ... in order.
As my friend made him sign a pod qe die if the Clinical pound of dust and straw.
I get to see this picture ...
strategically located in front of me. I did not pay much attention. It was simply beautiful and
point my friend is carried to enlist their input to qirófano. Within minutes, a nurse calls my name and says qe me to follow. Brings me to the rest room of the patient, where the first thing I see is another picture qe ...
just came to my mind those pictures of anorexic girls, but this picture looked so unhappy. I wonder qe
think the patient lying in that bed of pain and literally dying, qe suddenly, his eyes land on that figure.
Finally, steps forward ... Bible inevitable plastic surgery: VANITIES
at the head still, as if to say come back soon!
Soon the new toys come my friend
only in that moment I realized qe ... IT WAS REAL, I was actually happening was no mockery and I was not psychologically prepared to see the girl qe life fucked by her no pechonalidad, now a Chicholina.
Hours passed and already played out in the operating room. When brought on a stretcher, my boob was frightened. She was crying and 2 mountains in the chest. I qede idiotísima. He had 2 basket balls, do not lie.
But that's not the worst. The total shit comes with the post-operative, qe is the worst thing can exist, the Sister of my friend told me about it and she was operated qe 2 weeks ago. And so I told qe, qe prefer throw me to the Amazon and the piranhas eat me to bear it.
At the end of the day, I asked myself this really worth it? really worth it?
do not know but I do know qe qe Dr. 90210 I've had it for a day.
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