Friday, December 17, 2010

Shocking Feeling In Left Side

I'll start up the stalls we're doing, for now just this and some Christmas things.
As you will as a photographer ... I am an excellent craftsman, and if we add that are taken with a cell phone and night ... but ... Although in our country the temperatures exceed 30 ยบ c, I love the snowman ... and one of my dreams is to spend a "White Christmas"
While I watch the snow from your body ...

Almanacs, I have hundreds of designs, none alike, love the doors, windows, fireplaces (domestic) ... Hummmm a faster treatment ... I got mirrors
less than 1 cm from side to my mini environments, I put it up at home.
My famous dogs with bones (Well the story in short, they are miniatures ...)
More households .. I'm feeling very hot ... would have to beaches, ice cream ... something.
More models.
twisted ... well, I do not have a photo studio, I'm really bad at this ... my son wants to kill me every time I see them ... Ha!
Y. .. another year with the trees and hundreds of miniature flowers, people ask, I think it is a classic Mares Crafts and I have to do always, as I say that I love make them, because it's the first things that we identified.
I'm going to work ... more photos after I upload them.
rule I have something to tell them NOT COPY **, ** GET IDEAS
That is the secret of our sales are not going to see that the works are casts of magazines, TV shows or fairs ..
well done or poorly done, are original creations.
Thanks for your visits.


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