"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
This is the flag which PPK is | reserve soldier
FIRST: Text The petition filed with the request to cancel the DNI RENIEC PPK by falsehood, forgery and tax evasion in the U.S.. Exp
N ° ... ...
National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (RENIEC)
06477277 requests cancellation of the DNI, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard (PPK):
a) for having fraudulently obtained by omitting to declare that he had an American citizen, had lost his Peruvian nationality had not recovered any formalities;
b) because the then-current 1979 Constitution provides for such a loss to buy another, in violation of the right to dual citizenship restricted to Spain and Latin American countries and
c) because the Deputy Sworn certification, signed by PPK in Miami, USA, 14.04.2000, hereby NO ES PERUANO.
OLIVERA GUILLERMO DIAZ, ID No. 08765441, Attorney, with CAL No. 4447, noting the procedure at home, San Luis Avenue No. 2147-402, SAN BORJA, exercising my civic right to vote against the right of anyone who illegally tries to be elected to his office with due respect I say:
That request is served deregister the DNI N ° 06477277, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard, by have been obtained fraudulently 08/09/2001 at deliberately failing to file the year 1982 had become naturalized American, the Constitution still in force Policy 1979, whose Article 92 ° expressly provides for the loss of Peruvian nationality by acquiring other than English and latinomaericanos countries.
By choosing to be an American violated the constitutional principle enshrined right to dual nationality restricted or limited. At the time, Peruvians lacked the power to acquire the nationality of any country.
factual and legal basis for Cancellation
1. The Article 53 ° of the Constitution of 1993 states that "the Peruvian nationality is not lost, except by express renunciation before the Peruvian authorities", however, is not applicable, since Foundation year of the disputed Kuczynski had already lost his Peruvian citizenship and the constitutional provision does not provide the so-called self-healing, without any formalities. In contrast, Article 94 ° of the applicable, ultra activity, 1979 Constitution expressly permits such recovery, by stating that the waiver process to the new nationality.
2. The PPK presidential candidate still has not recovered the lost Peruvian nationality by any procedure. The fact that he was minister of former President Alejandro Toledo consume more than twice the illegal deception, for he who has lost his Peruvian nationality, with no back, is not entitled to anything, candidate nor less to act as President of the country.
3. In application of article 44 °, literal p) of Law No. 26497, Organic National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (RENIEC) of 07/11/1995, all Peruvian citizens must register mandatory State Registration Civil "naturalization and loss or recovery of nationality" to refer to it, in order to obtain or National Identity Document (DNI), which serve to exercise their rights in general.
The current presidential candidate, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, when he recently enrolled in the 09.08.2001 and obtained RENIEC the DNI N ° 06477277, as well as delivered on 16/05/2007, deliberately failed to register the real fact quoted in his naturalization as an American citizen. "
not registered the loss of his Peruvian nationality, having acquired the U.S., or the recovery of the loss, in violation of Arts. 92 ° and 94 ° of the Constitution of 1979, which only guarantees the right of all Peruvians to dual nationality, so long as either the English or any Latin American country. Acquiring other than as allowed transgressed the constitutional right to dual nationality restricted.
4. Others will not be repeating that the Constitution Policy 1993, whose Article 53 ° provides that the "Peruvian nationality is not lost, except by express renunciation before the Peruvian authorities" is not applicable to the case in question, since that year had lost PPK and Peruvian nationality since 1982 this new constitutional provision does not contemplate any sort of automatic recovery, snapshot or the mere passage of time, without any formalities.
Charter of 1979, however, provided for the possible recovery of lost citizenship through a process where documentary proof of prior renunciation of the new nationality.
5. The loss of Peruvian nationality voluntarily acquire another is a legal entity different in nature from the waiver. Law precisely bounded RENIEC No. 26497 referred specifically to cases of loss or recovery treatment.
If PPK states and register with the RENIEC naturalization as an American and a consequent loss of Peruvian nationality, had not issued with ID!.
6. Documentary evidence that proves American citizenship PPK .- Attached to this application for cancellation of the Certificate of false ID Be No Foreign (Non-Foreign Certificate), No. 9086-2747, Page 2, signed by Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and wife Nancy Ann Lange, in Miami, Florida USA, April 14, 2000, where both are identified by their U.S. Social Security Card No. 107-34-4058 and 388-60-2442, respectively, as required by the Tax Code of the country and also with your license Conduct issued by the State of Florida.
This official document of the United States has come to me anonymously. It is signed by PPK and his wife, legalized by the Notary Public Miami VIVIAN GOMEZ and his text of which is a U.S. citizen and who is not a foreign person, ergo Peru, the United States.
7. Willful omission of registration and cancellation of the ID of PPK .- This is precisely what failed to declare to the RENIEC, for which reason was issued an ID invalid. Having made this statement: that is American and not foreign (Peruvian)!, As it materializes in the U.S., never would have extended the DNI.
In strict application of Article 57 ° of the Organic Law of RENIEC, No. 26497, which states that "the registration is canceled when the justification for the cancellation is clear and obvious from the documents submitted upon request" in accordance with Article 44 ° before glossed on the "naturalization, loss or recovery of nationality" not enrolled, the ID No. 06477277, payable to Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard must be paid immediately, taking into account the progress of this electoral process, whose next act of voting will be April 10, 2011.
8. PPK pressing criminal liability in Peru and the United States .- The willful failure of such fraudulent registration process and makes the DNI himself a false document. RENIEC lied to get his ID, he lied in the U.S. to testify under oath is not to sell your property Peru: He did it to avoid paying taxes as a foreigner! -
perjury committed there, is admitted tax evader and Peru commits crime of falsification of public documents. PPK A CRIMINAL TRIAD!.
therefore I ask also brought to the attention of the Public Ministry and the U.S. Embassy in Lima, for the purposes of criminal liability that might arise, for forgery and use of public documents, perjury and tax evasion.
to his office requesting cancellation of registration of the ID in question. ADDENDUM
SAY .- I enclose the following documents:
a) a copy of my ID 08765441, and
b) of the document referenced in Item 6 of this writing. This is a sworn statement issued before a Notary Public in the United States on 14 April 2000, signed by the current presidential candidate Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard, stating that it is not a Peruvian, to avoid paying taxes to be paid to sell the property.
If I said that is foreign (ie, Peru) had oblar tax law. In his statement he evaded paying.
RENIEC forced to cancel the ID of PPK!
That is the twisted nature of the candidate PPK!
Sinesio López Jiménez: The State hemiplegic
If PPK is then the courtesans are virgins. That is clearly nonsense. Over 30% of people believe, however, that PPK is politically virgin (outsider). Can it be outsider a man who has been serving nearly every government for over 30 years? Can women rely on virginity gay life that have worked in the brothel for more than three decades? The answer is obviously negative. But doubts remain given that it has proclaimed outsider PPK. The improper touching him the modest lady of Callao has perhaps the deepest meaning of the search for an answer to this contradiction. The only truth here is that PPK has prostituted the meaning of politics and political discourse (outsider, big change, etc.)..
What PPK has played roles in Peruvian politics to 80 on? Several, including minister of several portfolios, prime minister, lobbyist and frustrated financial terrorist. During the first reformist government of Belaunde was BCR official who left (fled the country) accused of some economic crimes in the early Velasco's dictatorship. In the second conservative government of Belaunde was Minister of Energy and Mines and the Toledo government, of Economy and Finance Minister and Prime Minister. Who appointed in positions of minister and prime minister? Formally the President of the Republic, but "Pressure at the request of whom?
To better understand the things necessary to take into account this fundamental fact: since 1990 until now, no minister of Economy and Finance has belonged to the ruling party won the elections. Almost all of them from the quarries of the international financial agencies, large corporations and banks. Why? These organizations want an operator of its interests in important areas of political and state pressure and blackmail by the appointment of stewards cats. Should form a strong political coalition between the President and the powers through their operators who occupy the economic spaces. They are those who govern and decide. The rest is chancay of medium.
What are these state spaces? The state's economic apparatus: MEF, BCR, SBS, SUNAT, FONAFE, ministries that handle economic affairs, etc. In these economic apparatus operators with the head of the economic policy makers, taxes, royalties, fees, tax exemptions, tax stability agreements, privatization, concessions, social expenditures. In these areas there are large faenones, the shark, not the pirañitas. These devices are produced in the state's social and other smaller spaces. The presidents and operators of the powers that have organized a State hemiplegia. Its economic apparatuses operate more or less well, but their equipment (health, education, security) are a disaster, given a budget and are inefficient.
For whom economic well-functioning state apparatus? Who favors and political decisions taken in these devices? At large corporations, banks, the rich in general. We all know that the neoliberal economic policies for the rich and social policies, crumbs for the poor.
In his public and off PPK has always been a lobbyist for major corporations and, when their interests were threatened (with the candidates Ollanta in 2006 and Susana Villaran in 2010), economic terrorism played imagining, designing and managing panics in financial markets. Now he says very loose bones that can solve all the ills of Peru. Why he did when he had enormous power in the state?
Gerald Flores: Review of a voter
answer because I receive many emails and give my opinion ... if you vote for
GUARANTEES that spoiled a candidate This is so rude and arrogant to others as it did in Tacna to a reporter.
Avalos to a gross vulgarity dealing with sending the "shit" something when you do not like.
imprimatur from a male who brings his wife in the U.S. only for the use in the photography field.
imprimatur from a callous said the earthquake and tsunami in Japan are beneficial to the economy of Peru, during his "government."
imprimatur from a scoundrel who is allowed to grab the testicles once and laughs promoting it on TV. (In several programs)
imprimatur from a liar who in December said it had processed his renunciation of U.S. citizenship and now (in March) said that recently he is doing and I said he has no time to fill out waiver forms and finally being denied having businesses in Florida, which has already been proven.
Well, I just see and discuss the facts: what he has done and said. Surely in his "government" will laugh at you, you will treat with arrogance so blatant lie as it does so far and if you insurance misconduct refuge and shelter in their nationality gringa.
To those who like politics and try to see something decent and important as we can not vote for someone who mocks and devalues \u200b\u200bno proposals and it only pure show, with PPKuy and illegal phone calls to deal with transnational Telefonica invading the privacy of Peruvian households.
also have to remember in politics, young people who have no memory of such a policy "that the PPK, is proposing the privatization of water is delivered to foreign-government inefficiency - the world's most important resource. It is our right (water is a right) and give it to foreigners, when all that is required is a willingness to work, patriotism and managerial capacity.
PPK not forget that gave the Petroleum Company $ 17 million (105 million at current exchange rates), when he was manager of BCR at the time of the first government of Belaunde (1965-1968). Promoted
privatization of Egasa and Egesur (2002) causing the Arequipazo, making it only refers to employers without considering the consequences popular.
also already threatened to reduce the holiday work and remove the CTS as its own Head of Government plan Pablo Secada.
And I'm not ... but I fell short.