Thursday, March 24, 2011

Best Welder For Dune Buggy

The truth would be, document and not denied by Alvaro Cepeda Neri

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):

reserve soldier
This is the flag which PPK is

FIRST: Text The petition filed with the request to cancel the DNI RENIEC PPK by falsehood, forgery and tax evasion in the U.S.. Exp

N ° ... ...

National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (RENIEC)

06477277 requests cancellation of the DNI, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard (PPK):

a) for having fraudulently obtained by omitting to declare that he had an American citizen, had lost his Peruvian nationality had not recovered any formalities;

b) because the then-current 1979 Constitution provides for such a loss to buy another, in violation of the right to dual citizenship restricted to Spain and Latin American countries and

c) because the Deputy Sworn certification, signed by PPK in Miami, USA, 14.04.2000, hereby NO ES PERUANO.



OLIVERA GUILLERMO DIAZ, ID No. 08765441, Attorney, with CAL No. 4447, noting the procedure at home, San Luis Avenue No. 2147-402, SAN BORJA, exercising my civic right to vote against the right of anyone who illegally tries to be elected to his office with due respect I say:

That request is served deregister the DNI N ° 06477277, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard, by have been obtained fraudulently 08/09/2001 at deliberately failing to file the year 1982 had become naturalized American, the Constitution still in force Policy 1979, whose Article 92 ° expressly provides for the loss of Peruvian nationality by acquiring other than English and latinomaericanos countries.

By choosing to be an American violated the constitutional principle enshrined right to dual nationality restricted or limited. At the time, Peruvians lacked the power to acquire the nationality of any country.

factual and legal basis for Cancellation

1. The Article 53 ° of the Constitution of 1993 states that "the Peruvian nationality is not lost, except by express renunciation before the Peruvian authorities", however, is not applicable, since Foundation year of the disputed Kuczynski had already lost his Peruvian citizenship and the constitutional provision does not provide the so-called self-healing, without any formalities. In contrast, Article 94 ° of the applicable, ultra activity, 1979 Constitution expressly permits such recovery, by stating that the waiver process to the new nationality.

2. The PPK presidential candidate still has not recovered the lost Peruvian nationality by any procedure. The fact that he was minister of former President Alejandro Toledo consume more than twice the illegal deception, for he who has lost his Peruvian nationality, with no back, is not entitled to anything, candidate nor less to act as President of the country.

3. In application of article 44 °, literal p) of Law No. 26497, Organic National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (RENIEC) of 07/11/1995, all Peruvian citizens must register mandatory State Registration Civil "naturalization and loss or recovery of nationality" to refer to it, in order to obtain or National Identity Document (DNI), which serve to exercise their rights in general.

The current presidential candidate, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, when he recently enrolled in the 09.08.2001 and obtained RENIEC the DNI N ° 06477277, as well as delivered on 16/05/2007, deliberately failed to register the real fact quoted in his naturalization as an American citizen. "

not registered the loss of his Peruvian nationality, having acquired the U.S., or the recovery of the loss, in violation of Arts. 92 ° and 94 ° of the Constitution of 1979, which only guarantees the right of all Peruvians to dual nationality, so long as either the English or any Latin American country. Acquiring other than as allowed transgressed the constitutional right to dual nationality restricted.

4. Others will not be repeating that the Constitution Policy 1993, whose Article 53 ° provides that the "Peruvian nationality is not lost, except by express renunciation before the Peruvian authorities" is not applicable to the case in question, since that year had lost PPK and Peruvian nationality since 1982 this new constitutional provision does not contemplate any sort of automatic recovery, snapshot or the mere passage of time, without any formalities.

Charter of 1979, however, provided for the possible recovery of lost citizenship through a process where documentary proof of prior renunciation of the new nationality.

5. The loss of Peruvian nationality voluntarily acquire another is a legal entity different in nature from the waiver. Law precisely bounded RENIEC No. 26497 referred specifically to cases of loss or recovery treatment.

If PPK states and register with the RENIEC naturalization as an American and a consequent loss of Peruvian nationality, had not issued with ID!.

6. Documentary evidence that proves American citizenship PPK .- Attached to this application for cancellation of the Certificate of false ID Be No Foreign (Non-Foreign Certificate), No. 9086-2747, Page 2, signed by Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and wife Nancy Ann Lange, in Miami, Florida USA, April 14, 2000, where both are identified by their U.S. Social Security Card No. 107-34-4058 and 388-60-2442, respectively, as required by the Tax Code of the country and also with your license Conduct issued by the State of Florida.

This official document of the United States has come to me anonymously. It is signed by PPK and his wife, legalized by the Notary Public Miami VIVIAN GOMEZ and his text of which is a U.S. citizen and who is not a foreign person, ergo Peru, the United States.

7. Willful omission of registration and cancellation of the ID of PPK .- This is precisely what failed to declare to the RENIEC, for which reason was issued an ID invalid. Having made this statement: that is American and not foreign (Peruvian)!, As it materializes in the U.S., never would have extended the DNI.

In strict application of Article 57 ° of the Organic Law of RENIEC, No. 26497, which states that "the registration is canceled when the justification for the cancellation is clear and obvious from the documents submitted upon request" in accordance with Article 44 ° before glossed on the "naturalization, loss or recovery of nationality" not enrolled, the ID No. 06477277, payable to Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard must be paid immediately, taking into account the progress of this electoral process, whose next act of voting will be April 10, 2011.

8. PPK pressing criminal liability in Peru and the United States .- The willful failure of such fraudulent registration process and makes the DNI himself a false document. RENIEC lied to get his ID, he lied in the U.S. to testify under oath is not to sell your property Peru: He did it to avoid paying taxes as a foreigner! -

perjury committed there, is admitted tax evader and Peru commits crime of falsification of public documents. PPK A CRIMINAL TRIAD!.

therefore I ask also brought to the attention of the Public Ministry and the U.S. Embassy in Lima, for the purposes of criminal liability that might arise, for forgery and use of public documents, perjury and tax evasion.


to his office requesting cancellation of registration of the ID in question. ADDENDUM

SAY .- I enclose the following documents:

a) a copy of my ID 08765441, and

b) of the document referenced in Item 6 of this writing. This is a sworn statement issued before a Notary Public in the United States on 14 April 2000, signed by the current presidential candidate Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard, stating that it is not a Peruvian, to avoid paying taxes to be paid to sell the property.

If I said that is foreign (ie, Peru) had oblar tax law. In his statement he evaded paying.

RENIEC forced to cancel the ID of PPK!

That is the twisted nature of the candidate PPK!

Sinesio López Jiménez: The State hemiplegic
If PPK is then the courtesans are virgins. That is clearly nonsense. Over 30% of people believe, however, that PPK is politically virgin (outsider). Can it be outsider a man who has been serving nearly every government for over 30 years? Can women rely on virginity gay life that have worked in the brothel for more than three decades? The answer is obviously negative. But doubts remain given that it has proclaimed outsider PPK. The improper touching him the modest lady of Callao has perhaps the deepest meaning of the search for an answer to this contradiction. The only truth here is that PPK has prostituted the meaning of politics and political discourse (outsider, big change, etc.)..

What PPK has played roles in Peruvian politics to 80 on? Several, including minister of several portfolios, prime minister, lobbyist and frustrated financial terrorist. During the first reformist government of Belaunde was BCR official who left (fled the country) accused of some economic crimes in the early Velasco's dictatorship. In the second conservative government of Belaunde was Minister of Energy and Mines and the Toledo government, of Economy and Finance Minister and Prime Minister. Who appointed in positions of minister and prime minister? Formally the President of the Republic, but "Pressure at the request of whom?

To better understand the things necessary to take into account this fundamental fact: since 1990 until now, no minister of Economy and Finance has belonged to the ruling party won the elections. Almost all of them from the quarries of the international financial agencies, large corporations and banks. Why? These organizations want an operator of its interests in important areas of political and state pressure and blackmail by the appointment of stewards cats. Should form a strong political coalition between the President and the powers through their operators who occupy the economic spaces. They are those who govern and decide. The rest is chancay of medium.

What are these state spaces? The state's economic apparatus: MEF, BCR, SBS, SUNAT, FONAFE, ministries that handle economic affairs, etc. In these economic apparatus operators with the head of the economic policy makers, taxes, royalties, fees, tax exemptions, tax stability agreements, privatization, concessions, social expenditures. In these areas there are large faenones, the shark, not the pirañitas. These devices are produced in the state's social and other smaller spaces. The presidents and operators of the powers that have organized a State hemiplegia. Its economic apparatuses operate more or less well, but their equipment (health, education, security) are a disaster, given a budget and are inefficient.

For whom economic well-functioning state apparatus? Who favors and political decisions taken in these devices? At large corporations, banks, the rich in general. We all know that the neoliberal economic policies for the rich and social policies, crumbs for the poor.

In his public and off PPK has always been a lobbyist for major corporations and, when their interests were threatened (with the candidates Ollanta in 2006 and Susana Villaran in 2010), economic terrorism played imagining, designing and managing panics in financial markets. Now he says very loose bones that can solve all the ills of Peru. Why he did when he had enormous power in the state?

Gerald Flores: Review of a voter

answer because I receive many emails and give my opinion ... if you vote for


GUARANTEES that spoiled a candidate This is so rude and arrogant to others as it did in Tacna to a reporter.

Avalos to a gross vulgarity dealing with sending the "shit" something when you do not like.

imprimatur from a male who brings his wife in the U.S. only for the use in the photography field.

imprimatur from a callous said the earthquake and tsunami in Japan are beneficial to the economy of Peru, during his "government."

imprimatur from a scoundrel who is allowed to grab the testicles once and laughs promoting it on TV. (In several programs)

imprimatur from a liar who in December said it had processed his renunciation of U.S. citizenship and now (in March) said that recently he is doing and I said he has no time to fill out waiver forms and finally being denied having businesses in Florida, which has already been proven.

Well, I just see and discuss the facts: what he has done and said. Surely in his "government" will laugh at you, you will treat with arrogance so blatant lie as it does so far and if you insurance misconduct refuge and shelter in their nationality gringa.

To those who like politics and try to see something decent and important as we can not vote for someone who mocks and devalues \u200b\u200bno proposals and it only pure show, with PPKuy and illegal phone calls to deal with transnational Telefonica invading the privacy of Peruvian households.

also have to remember in politics, young people who have no memory of such a policy "that the PPK, is proposing the privatization of water is delivered to foreign-government inefficiency - the world's most important resource. It is our right (water is a right) and give it to foreigners, when all that is required is a willingness to work, patriotism and managerial capacity.

PPK not forget that gave the Petroleum Company $ 17 million (105 million at current exchange rates), when he was manager of BCR at the time of the first government of Belaunde (1965-1968). Promoted

privatization of Egasa and Egesur (2002) causing the Arequipazo, making it only refers to employers without considering the consequences popular.

also already threatened to reduce the holiday work and remove the CTS as its own Head of Government plan Pablo Secada.

And I'm not ... but I fell short.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sample Leter To My Daughter For Confirmation

PPK: Mario Vargas in Mexico "prize for comedy? Carlos A.

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
http://www.vosquedepalabrasvives.blogspot. com /

not born for evil
(as well as good either): learn to be

criminal and not become the crazy saves.
To satisfy her vanity to receive applause, medals and diplomas, was in our country (Mexico) Mario Vargas Llosa. Nobel Literature Prize 2010 for their exceptional prose stories (not all of transcendence, which will die quite a few of his books, novels), a naturalized English in Peru's rejection of his birth (where got into politics fascinated by political power and failed: it is not the same voters who readers, but said it would exercise democratically and in accordance with economic liberalism, from whose optical criticizes the authoritarian, but is left wanting for them).

Here in Mexico it was received and Snuggle Ebrard, from his left rigged, chuchista and treacherous; Calderon from the right yunquista and, of course, from presidential power.

I showered praise and making him the actor appeared in Fine Arts in exclusive private function Calderón, his wife and his party (a conservative liberal, leaving it with royalty PAN!). I entertained as it should deserve. Very occasionally mentioned his political apprenticeship was in the dazzling pages of Karl R. Popper and built his knowledge that ideological arsenal. He lives in New York (not in Peru teaching Latin American verbigracia) in London and Madrid. Here, the chancellor tells what led to the UNAM, but earlier in the Autonomous Metropolitan University gave a lecture that earned him praise from viewers.

has not known the writer of top-flight, save (as proposed by Max Weber) distance with men and things. He has unleashed ambition overcame him requital, to become blurred. Sometimes we are many personalities; but one of the worst, is to yield to the temptations of vanity. You forgot to Vargas Llosa's Ebrard of exercising authoritarian power, and military as well as lip service, on the left, to which the ideological battle and says Nobel not to grant or benefit of the doubt. Deliberately forgot that Calderon is one of absolute power, as reactionary as his right-wing and ultra-radical, that matches in politics.

is doubtful that they have read Vargas Llosa who showered him with medals, diplomas hugs and (perhaps hanging in his room, which should be large, as that is dedicated to his "rewards" of journalist Lee Dóriga, each year who will give away their "bottle caps"). And did the politiquillos jester. Ebrard handed the key to the city. Other guest brought him to drown in prizes. And he was happy to have fans of his role, no one has mentioned even one of his works, a paragraph of his criticism of the bloody violence, authoritarianism, abuse of power. And said goodbye to his former grade yielding contemptuous of Mexicans lived in a perfect dictatorship, to praise with Calderón and Ebrard that we now have an imperfect democracy.

The fool of himself was the best performance of Vargas Llosa.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Danger Of Parapelvic Systs

Macagno March: Letter of resignation to the Sociedad Argentina de Escritores

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):

became noble who wanted to be president, but doubly
lost every gift
Dear colleagues of the Sociedad Argentina de Escritores:

From my account: I raise to you

my resignation as a member of the Board of Directors of that institution, with which I was honored at the time. Motiva

it, my total disagreement with the recent announcement of the Nobel Prize for Literature Sr.Vargas Llosa to preside over the opening of the Frankfurt Book Fair this year.

Noting that his call has been made by the Fundación El Libro, and having consulted the formation of the authorities of the same, I have found there the presence of several key members of the Authorities of Sade, who have all my respect and several of my sincere friendship.

But there is something in my soul, and much in my mind that makes me reject with disgust the call Vargas Llosa, to whom I own a style and an artistically captivating, but the servant of an ideology that made him great harm to the country and imposing its devastating prohijando socio-economic policies during the tragic period of dictatorship, during the period 1976-1984, and continued until 2001.

Vargas Llosa does not respect or want to Argentina or the Argentine. There are many circumstances in which it was expressed not only in disregard of our reality, but with hatred and contempt, our people and their efforts to emerge from the well into which we sank wild liberalism he preaches, through tax crime 30,000 missing, and the submission of across the country to the circumstances of illegality, terror, and misery, through a systematic plan of extermination applied throughout Latin America met orchestrating the Condor.

is still fresh bloodshed.

still hear the screams of the torture chambers.

mothers still looking for the bones of missing children.

There are still over 400 children in Argentina, robbed and stripped of their identity for the killers of the ideology that Vargas Llosa has a superb propagandist, mocking and aggressive.

still many criminals, their beneficiaries and constituents, walk our streets impunity

is not the evident literary merit. It is the moral and ethical position before the great tragedies of the people at large and thousands of human beings in particular, in this case in our country. Recently

French Academy decided to reject the academic honors Louis Ferdinand Celine, one of the best, but the greatest French writer of the twentieth century.

That decision in a country like France, the cradle of freedom and political philosophy that led to the current democracies, had as basis the active participation of Celine as a collaborator of the Nazis during the German occupation in World War II, and proclaimed and cruel anti-Semitism that made him laugh when, according to refer a German soldier beaten in the streets of Paris to a Jew.

Knut Hamsun, Nobel Prize 1921 was severely punished and ostracized for having given to Hitler's medal award. I ask nothing for Vargas Llosa.

only vindicate me, regardless of what the views of the President, the Foundation of the Book or the Director of the National Library, the right to be consistent in condemning the ideologues of our tragedy and faithful to the memory of solidarity with the sacrifice of so many young men and women, workers and students, and hundreds of missing children. It is a shame in these circumstances to pay homage to a representative and ombudsman of the powers that generated tremendous wound to our country, still far from healed.

I have no doubt that this is not a mistake that people have no right to occupy important positions in the organizing committee.

circumstances at these levels and there is no innocence and naivety and other unmentionable political speculation during an election year, which show solidarity unacceptable to anyone for their beliefs is identified with the eternal struggle towards freedom and justice, which killed so many innocent souls and noble.

I say goodbye to you, wishing continued success in the business that we intend to recover the permanent institution for the ethereal call activities and writing poetry.

the nobility inherent in this activity of mind and intellect, must always, without giving, as a beacon illuminating the way towards a more just and more human. It is inconceivable that praise poetry, tolerate, or condone conducive to crime, or slavery or the subjugation of people or peoples., And he who cultivates it may be the most eminent of artisans of the word, worthy of the largest academic awards, but will carry on his forehead the stigma of the great traitors humanity, they put their gifts in the service of economic power came about and benefited to date with torture, exclusion and killing of thousands of compatriots.

17, 2011 Carlos A. Vocal
Macagno March

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Accessing The Wan Chapter Review

Boris Muñoz interview with Noam Chomsky: "America needs a cultural revolution"

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
http://www. /

Noam Chomsky is a man touched by an inexhaustible curiosity. Should added that it is an engaged intellectual. This seems obvious but it is not. Unlike many other intellectuals, not only is able to denounce injustices, absurdities and atrocities committed in the name of U.S. national interest or the principles of the free world, such as democracy and the market, but also to lock long dialogues with those who differ some of their political views, without this undermining the fabric of conversation, but quite the opposite. More than his radical ideas that occasionally stir the bile of conservative public opinion, what is striking is Chomsky's almost superhuman ability to pursue rational understanding of almost any problem embedded galaxies and universes of information in which any other would drown without the slightest chance of survival. For example, when discussing with him about a given topic, is Latin America, Iran, China or the United States "refers to the call to daily newspapers in Mexico, London, Tehran, Islamabad, and the latest super-specialized journals, reviews political or local polls. Also shown is eager to receive any article or book by return mail with a sensitive intelligence criticize, not to overlook their strengths, weaknesses and contradictions. His conversation always zigzags and opens many twists and turns of simultaneous learning, but when it seems that has already gone too far, back to the origin point by tying all the loose ends and catching, with admirable clarity the true spirit of a hidden or hard to understand. When this happens, we must ask you, please be brief. He responds with some mischief that when your grandchildren ask you anything they put a clause: "Please, give us only a conference of five minutes." But you must write it down, rarely succeeds.

At 82 of age, political commitment is not declining. I might even say that while other scholars are content to blow the trumpets of the Apocalypse, he seeks and few scattered signs of hope to impart some coherence and warn of the dangers that lurk. So his latest book, Hopes and Prospects (published by Haymarket Books) is dedicated to Latin America and says the future could reinvented in this region of the planet.

This interview took place in three stages of the fall 2010 and winter of 2011. For reasons of length, this version focuses on socialism today, the change in Latin America and relations with the United States. At the end are attached two facts news with hot opinions about the riots in the Middle East, including Egypt and Libya. The environmental problem in some way through whole conversation. But inevitably, Chomsky looks at many other topics on which his restless attention never rests.

Socialism yesterday and as always The term socialism has become a wildcard confusing that anyone can use at will. You even said that all countries have been called socialists were in fact anti-socialist. If so, what does socialism today?

When people talk of socialism, particularly state control of speech production and natural resources. That's what you can call it whatever, but not what socialism is meant by tradition. There are many versions of socialism, but all share a core value: those who produce should have control of production. Workers must control the factories, farmers should control the land they work and their communities. Seen socialism and is an extreme form of democracy. But in reality, there is nothing similar in the so-called socialist countries. In fact, the Bolsheviks, who were the right wing of the Socialists took power in 1917, establishing the pattern of what would follow, and moved quickly to remove the genuine form of socialism that had been tried before and which were the leaven of the soviets, factory councils verbigracia or revolutionary activities of the societies agricultural. These forms were weakened and dismantled quickly, until it almost could not function. The Constituent Assembly was eliminated because it would have transferred power to the grassroots peasants and workers. The Bolsheviks did not want and, indeed, that was the reason I created the work army (armies of work) under the terms of the leader. And this is the opposite of socialism. The Bolsheviks nationalized industries and resources. In that sense, eliminated private capital and that generated a very negative view of socialism.

Now they had their reasons and the main one was the dangerous international situation. Had been invaded by the West and based their actions on principles and concepts of Marxism, but in this case were ideas that Marx himself did not hold. The alleged Marxist idea was that a country can not get to socialism until they go through certain stages, the first of which is industrialization, which would come after the organization of the proletariat would take matters into their own hands to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat. Russia differed in that and other aspects: it was a backward peasant society, essentially a colonial society, but unusually powerful, with a large military force, even under the tsars. Furthermore, there was development in certain fields and cultivated an elite and sophisticated. This combination is not surprising. You need only look at Latin America, where it is the same and there is an elite with a rich cultural tradition. The Soviets wanted to industrialize Russia, given their circumstances, they thought they would by authoritarian leadership. Implemented this way most of the structure that later produced the horrors of Stalin. The so-called socialist countries adopted variants of these structures, although there were differences as in Mao's China. Dispute

did Mao's socialism less bloody than that of Stalin.

No less bloody, indeed. But if you look closely you'll notice that the characterization of China in the West is not correct. Modern economists say the radical advance China's economic train has only been possible because it is mounted on rails solids Mao. That is evidenced by the Nobel laureate in economics, Amartya Sen, in a study whose first part has been praised but the second part is almost unmentionable in the West because it compares China and India between 1947 and 1979, which makes sense because both countries at 47 became independent and 79 was the year of great turning point of China's economic reform. By studying mortality during the famine of 1958, Sen called it a political famine. Not because there was a deliberate attempt to cause it, but because the totalitarian system was such that information about of what was going on did not come to the decision-making and when they knew it was too late. In that sense, it was a political crime.

But even counting those thirty millions of victims, it happens that in India a hundred million people killed by famine, simply because capitalism democráctico of India was not instituted social reforms that would prevent such a disaster, as did China with systems rural doctors walk and other programs. That, after all, made a difference of seventy millions of victims. In the words of Sen, India got so many skeletons in the closet every 8 years as China did in the period of the great leap forward, his greatest shame. During the Cultural Revolution also committed many atrocities but, apparently, the general conditions in rural areas also improved. So it is an ambivalent history.

Do you think it was worth the experience in historical terms?

I can not draw conclusions from a few conversations, but occasionally I hear people very critical of Mao in their government tells how many people were killed in a bloody. So it's a complex issue. What can not be disputed is what happened in the capitalist and democratic India in the same period. And if you use these global calculations see the massacres of capitalist democracy are huge, but we do not.

Returning to the center of the issue. What we mean by socialism?

In essence, socialism is what traditionally was. The producers, who are the majority of the population, should have control over production. But when producers talk about I do not mean only to factory workers. A producer may be a software engineer or a teacher universitario.Y, actually, college is the only institution that approaches this idea that producers control what they produce. So the producers must control whatever the production unit which they operate. Should make decisions and the same should be said of community control in their own operation. These conceptions of Marxism largely coincide with anarcho-syndicalism. In fact, workers whose uprisings have led to anti-totalitarian struggles syndicalist model, as is the case of the Solidarity movement in Poland. The Hungarian Revolution also came from a movement with these characteristics. It happens automatically when people try to overthrow their masters. These are the central elements of socialism. But existing socialism or approaches to these elements. In fact, it's almost just the opposite. The United States has more control workers on production in Russia!

The point is that its design departs from the traditional concept of working class and its representatives. It also remains to traditional institutions like the state, which historically has been proclaimed the principal agent of socialism.

Yes, that is valid for existing socialism, ie a type of socialism that is virtually indistinguishable from state capitalism. To understand it should analyze the case of the United States, recognized as the ultimate capitalist society. And it's not at all a capitalist society in the traditional sense!

Let's see how this country came be the richest and most advanced society? However, economists such as Adam Smith had advised at the time that the United States. What kind of advice they gave? They offered him the World Bank and International Monetary Fund Latin America. Smith advised the U.S. government to deepen its comparative advantages. You are good at farming and exporting hides, he said. Do not try to compete with finished goods, because in England it is much more efficient. So to achieve the overall efficiency, must be exported in the primary sector and buy manufactured goods from England. He also advised the government not to monopolize natural resources. That was not a negligible issue if remember that oil nineteenth century was cotton, which was the core of the industrial revolution. United States produced a large share of global cotton and Smith said he did not monopolize it was economically harmful. Instead, the United States rose dramatically taxes on British textiles and was able to start their own textile industry, which is the original way to start industrialization. Later blocked the British steel industry, much higher than ours by then. The government even tried to monopolize the cotton was about to do. The Congress said: "If we can corner the cotton will Britain knees. " The example shows clearly that the process of development of this country was not capitalist development. And that continues until today with internet and computers. In conclusion, the U.S. is as capitalist and socialist Russia.

Now: The categories socialism and capitalism are ideological weapons, no descriptive terms, though there are certainly many differences between the Soviet version of state capitalism and the U.S. version. But neither is coming to terms with who they are identified in the ideological war. And if we examine one of the few places where they apply the term capitalism is Latin America, where capitalism was imposed a neoliberal version that closely follows the lines of Adam Smith. Just imagine what would have happened if America had followed these rules! Neoliberalism was created to be imposed in the Third World. There is nothing new: these ideas from the economic models created to subdue the colonies. Latin American hopes

You have pointed out that Latin America has challenged the hegemony of U.S. and global financial institutions that have slowed the advance of democracy in the region. In short, Latin Americans, in his words, we are in a sort of post-neoliberal moment. Why do you think the future can be forged in Latin America?

I do not think that Latin America is a utopia. What I say is that it has begun to emerge from a very hard story to a stage where it has some possibilities. That does not make it to Utopia. In the past 200 years, Latin America has tried many times to get ahead but could not due particularly to two problems. First by the lack of integration between countries, because even the road system is different between them. Also because countries have been aimed almost imperial powers in every way, from the banks in which people invest their money to the university where he sends their children. This complex is being overcome and have taken certain steps towards integration. The latest example is the Community of Latin American and Caribbean (ECLAC), created in February 2010, with all American countries except the United States and Canada, a project symbolically significant and potentially important. If your organization takes some real functions in the integration, will be comparable to other initiatives such as UNASUR, the Banco del Sur or Mercosur ... In my eyes, integration is a prerequisite for independence.

The second problem is internal. All countries in Latin America have a horrendous social structure in which there is a small sector of the population, mostly white, which is extremely rich and is surrounded by an enormous misery. That has not been solved but at least now it is taken into account. Lula's social programs are not the solution, but are an improvement. The same applies to the missions in Venezuela.

The third point is the emergence of indigenous movements. We know that these movements are a double-edged sword. For example, in Ecuador, where indigenous people wonder why they should give up their way of life for motorists to clog the streets of New York, or in Colombia, where farmers and indigenous people wonder why they should sacrifice their habitats by mining .

Although I tend to sympathize with those questions, I know they are not trivial matters. A country has the resources and be able to use them. The problem is how to get it to use for the benefit of the population, trying to generate the least possible destruction of the environment and preventing the benefits go only to international investors or wealthy locals. At least these problems are being addressed in a different way than in the past, when every time someone claimed was crushed.

Another key element is that there is a south-south relationship that did not exist. As evidence, China is now one of the largest investors in the region, surpassing, in places rich in resources, the United States. If you look back at the U.S. foreign policy, you will see that the control of Latin America has been almost a dogma. The Council on Foreign Relations was believed that if not controlled in Latin America could not control the world. Well, we do not control. The most notable example is Brazil. Brazil and Turkey, another country that has escaped from U.S. control, banded together to negotiate a deal with Iran about the nuclear issue. Obama saw it with reluctance, but even so they did. This happens in other parts because global control is declining and Latin America is an important piece. That opens up possibilities that the region did not have before. How to handle these possibilities, remains unclear.

What risks and challenges do you see when you think of Latin American hopes?

The risk is that the structures that have hindered the development of Latin American societies still exist. The warlords and warlordism, for example. Or the fact that development is taking place to continue based on the extraction of raw materials. Even in Chile, considered the jewel in the crown, the economy is still dependent on copper and generally remains subject to a geographic determinant that leads her to produce fruit and wines to the U.S. market. Beyond that, there seems to be clear and consistent effort to overcome the traditional system. Brazil's economy also depends on raw materials extracted for Russia and China, although the country has a significant industrial base. The other problem is to introduce and consolidate a functioning democracy in these countries to overcome the dire poverty and help people to participate politically and socially.

Since you mentioned the problems that brings the warlordism of the democratic system, I'd like your current opinion on Venezuela. What is your assessment of the XXI century socialism and Hugo Chávez as a leader?

Venezuela is a mixed story. Some policies, such as missions, I think that make sense. There has been a significant reduction of poverty may now be growing again. Moreover, the fact that we could win the military coup and a great strike capitalist industrial and business sector seem significant progress. There are great problems of criminal violence, corruption and authoritarian control that must be confronted and addressed. This happens in international initiatives such as Petrocaribe very constructive and the South Bank. So there are positive things, but there are also dangers.

I ask you to talk a little more danger, as it relates to important aspects of democracy.

I know they are important issues, but do not know and I'd rather not get into subjects that do not I know. There are fundamental problems that must be confronted, as I said. In Bolivia there have been substantial changes have been driven bottom-up social structure. In Venezuela, the changes have been guided from above. The changes that are imposed from above are inherently dangerous, no one doubts. So it is necessary to move toward situations in which the missions, cooperatives and other social programs have real authority and not just to them by the government. Theoretically Chávez thinks so, but that thought has to be realized.

You have shown a constant concern for Colombia. What about the legacy of Uribe and the new government of Juan Manuel Santos?

When I was in Colombia a few months ago, the Ombudsman took me to visit some villages isolated and dangerous near La Vega, Cauca. I went there because the people of the region dedicated a forest in memory of my late wife, Carol. In this region, the villagers were trying to block the efforts of mining companies, with their holding arbitrary, polluted water sources. For example, and this is something I do not know, apparently the government is trying to privatize water. And it does take into account the lesson from the fiasco of Bolivia. That is, not as a national effort, but in small areas, isolating communities and canceling its capacity for joint action. Against that, the people of many communities I visited are being organized and has very sophisticated water programs, primarily to resist the privatization and the destruction of virgin forests. It's a trend around the world resist pressure from multinational companies. They can do, is to be seen. At the same time, people of Defense told me that violence has resurfaced, in part, they say, by the action of the FARC, which has military and paramilitary response. Father Javier Giraldo, an incredible person, he was with us doing research for a book about what happened with peace communities like San Jose and Apartado, which, as you may know, have been attacked and intimidated for a long period of time. Even the last time I was there a few years ago, San Jose, which is the largest, was under siege. The situation has worsened, so has virtually eliminated these islands of peace. I think that does not look good.

To return to your question, human rights groups with whom I spoke expected that Santos has a relaxation. This I can not say because it comes from a secondary source, but the hope is that while Santos continue to implement some policies of Uribe, it is assumed that social class he is a oligarch while Uribe comes from a middle class of Antioquia, and it needs no underground connections with the paramilitaries and drug trafficking that occurred in the Uribe government, the less brutal in human rights and more open to the arrangements.

Well, Santos has not been more flexible, at least with the guerrillas. Here we have the annihilation of Mono Jojoy, no less than military chief lasFarc. However, it seems to move even within the institutional framework. Luce

then like I should seek some kind of political settlement with the FARC.

What could be the role of Colombia in the Latin American regional dynamics?

In this regard, I think the court's objection to the agreement on U.S. military bases can be significant. That deal angered many countries. With the exception of Alan Garcia, the opposition was widespread and even Unasur made a statement against. Not objected to the national implications of the agreement, but its extra-territorial aspects, namely the fact that the U.S. wanted to use the bases to gather information and make enforcement work. That's the part that the countries of the region felt threatening, but did not appear explicitly but that was the interpretation made by the United States. If the spot is completely removed, I think that will help Colombia to be more integrated into South America and, of course, be an important step to leave out the intervention of U.S. military forces in the region, since the only other U.S. military forces offshore properties are currently in Honduras.

Building has played a controversial issue, can I ask what is the current state of relations between the U.S. and Latin America.

Latin America is moving towards some form of integration, which, as I said, is the prerequisite for genuine independence. This is important because it is the first time in 500 years, given these conditions. No I know if I get to come out, but I think that if CELAC becomes something more than a project on paper, can be very positive. The same can be said of the proposal to decriminalize some drugs conducted by the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy, headed by former presidents Ernesto Zedillo, Fernando Enrique Cardoso and Cesar Gaviria and bringing together other former presidents. If Latin America coincides out of that destructive war against drugs, could be an important advance in this field. Of course this would mean a major educational effort in the United States. To give an example, I repeat something I heard this morning on National Public Radio while driving to here. Discussed what happens in Mexico and the statements of Hillary Clinton on an insurgency that threatens the United States. There were a handful of experts in the field. It was very interesting to hear them, but did not mention the only three things that really matter. First, no mention of weapons of Mexican drug traffickers coming from the United States. Second, not focused, but he was referred in passing, that the demand from the United States. And third, they forgot to say that free trade agreements are a big mess, especially the FTA with Canada and Mexico, as they have pushed the peasants off their land and displaced crops like corn for the production of opium. A few weeks ago I was in Mexico and people linked to La Jornada newspaper told me that there are large areas to the north dedicated to production, including areas controlled by the military. The bottom line is that, apparently, 25% of the Mexican economy depends on drug traffickers. Likewise dependent on remittances sent from abroad, which means that the productive economy and reduced functional. Even multinational maquiladoras, which do not meet national standards of the productive economy are leaving the country due to competition from China. None of that was mentioned in the program, so the perception of the phenomenon that we have as Americans is very limited.

other hand, according to several economic studies the decline of quality of life with Calderon is terrible. I am not speaking only of the levels of nutrition, but the fall in wages. It is also crucial to understand the progress of the drug economy. At the World Economic Forum has discussed another phenomenon derived: the paradox that in a country with such violence, the stock market is skyrocketing, reaching record highs recently. Actually, that speaks of two Mexicos, one rich and one poor. There is nothing paradoxical about it. It's something that has been happening since the eighties neoliberal reforms split the country. The number of billionaires has risen almost as fast as the rate of poverty. This explains the phenomenon of Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world, and it is understood that the bag he is doing well, because U.S. investors assume that a privatized sectors, the billionaires and the narcos will continue to go well. Meanwhile, the population collapses.

Finding solutions to these problems requires recognizing that there are and we do not see. So we have before us a long way to go. Hope versus catastrophe

And this road seems even longer if we take into account the new immigration laws that criminalize immigrants.

Not to mention, of what comes with the Tea Party in Congress. I do not know to what extent you follow these guys. You can not go right because it will be self-defeating. It is as if the country were assaulted by a group of lunatics.

Condoleezza Rice says it is healthy for the country to have such debates.

That is your position! Well, then forget about the war against drugs and the arms race. Currently, almost all of the Republican Party thinks that the human being has nothing to do with global warming. Think this is a death sentence for the species. If the U.S. does nothing and if the GOP decides that all those liberals and scientists looking for grants to study the phenomenon forget the money, we can go saying goodbye. In the case of financial crisis, has a sense that large corporations ignore systemic risk, though economists know that ignoring it leads to crises become more frequent. These are fundamental market inefficiencies. Any economist learns in the first years of market transactions to ignore the external factors almost of necessity. If someone tries to estimate its impact will be out of business because competitors will not. So it's almost an institutional need of the market system. In the case of financial crisis, we can say ok, is the government to give financial aid. But when the executives decided to ignore externalities of climate destruction will be no one to throw them a lifeline. The fragility of the species is not a factor you can ask for financial aid.

As we entered the theme of survival, then how to deal with the crisis of civilization in which we find ourselves?

... not a small question!

Please give us just a conference of five minutes ...

One big change has to happen in America.

Is America the main character? Why?

has to be. We are by far the richest, most powerful and creates more damage to nature. And if we do nothing here, what Europe can do will help but will not make much difference. Emerging countries will not do much because they need to fuel their growth. China, in fact, is doing more than the United States. When Texas tried to mount a wind mills, had to go look at China. What happened? The government blocked the initiative. The U.S. green investment in China is higher than he does in his own territory and in Europe. The reason is simple. The U.S. government complains of China in the World Trade Organization. But here is responsible for developing the structure for green investments and has not done. It leaves it private investors will not do either, because in China they can do for much less money. It's shocking. Obama's government is threatening to throw over to China with WHO for doing exactly what we should do: an industrial policy, state-led course, to create the foundations for a sustainable economy. So we have to stop, they say, because it violates our sacred principles of the market. And, well, you know, the irony is incredible. But again I must say, the population is ignored. And economists, academics and the media are to blame because they do not want to explain that so does our economy. Could you

enunciate some points we should keep in mind?

America needs a cultural revolution.

What do you mean?

A change in the way we understand the attitudes, perceptions and factual knowledge. The Tea Party is very telling in this regard. We are a society that is constantly being measured by surveys. Although many surveys do not add much, there are others that show important things. For example, studies show that there are people who are in favor of small government and lower taxes. In social terms are in favor of more investment in education, health, infrastructure. In this may not be different the Swiss, but do not want governments and taxes. What then? We call this the "double dip" to maintain two completely contradictory ideas in mind and believe both at the same time. That perception facing the country. Some people say: "I do not care what happens in this country." But if you consider those who participate in surveys you will see that you want to discuss these issues. Last year I was in Mexico City and then went to California. I went from a poor country to one of the richest areas of the world. In Mexico, the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), which has a hundred thousand students, is free. Not the best in the world, but it's pretty good. Meanwhile in California, the public higher education system, which was one of the best in the world is being destroyed and privatized. What happens when Mexico, a poor country is able to maintain a system of quality public education, while California, a region rich, destroys one of the best education systems? Well, you get a lot of damage. If you have a high level education also have a high level competitive economy, because much of economic growth now occurring around the universities, where there are clusters of research, knowledge, innovation and development as MIT, Harvard, Berkley or Stanford. To some extent, the private sector that grows around these clusters is parasitic and benefits enormously from that college knowledge. So if you destroy the university system are putting at risk the private economic sector. But you have to do because you have to cut taxes. And see the irony is that economic studies show that the strongest advocates of tax cuts in California are those who benefit most from government subsidies.

Returning to the point, what would be the outline of what needs doing?

A massive education program within the United States, which led to a cultural revolution that makes people understand their circumstances and the consequences of their actions, leaving aside the dogmas and ideological prisons that constrain the possibility of developing sensitive and sensible policies. There is no reason for the United States is not a leader in the development of green technologies and sustainable development model. We have the facilities and resources permit without having to go to China for cheap labor. The opposite is patching, which is what we are doing.

post-imperial world

Almost ten years after the Sept. 11, the U.S. is the superpower that was, at least not politically and economically. What can you say about the role U.S. at present and near future?

After World War II, America had a position of power unparalleled in history. He was literally half the world's wealth and was in position to pursue ambitious goals that were outlined by Roosevelt planners and then implemented broadly: control a "large area" that included the Western Hemisphere, the Far East, the ancient empire UK (including the incomparably oil-rich West Asia) and the industrial and commercial center of Eurasia. Over time, this power inevitably eroded. By 1970, the world was economically tripolar. Its major centers were for North America, United States, to Europe, Germany and France, and for East Asia, Japan. The collapse of the Soviet Union created a brief illusion of unipolarity and "end of history" but soon disbanded and now the global system is even more diverse and the United States less able to exercise control. That is a matter of great concern to planners, and often a considerable source of irrationality, as when, recently, the State Department warned China that it should fulfill its "international responsibilities" and obey the U.S. unilateral sanctions against Iran, which should have fun at the ruling class in China. In one dimension, the U.S. military power remains a reign supreme, but it is a very expensive benefit can not be sustained, particularly by decisions that have severely weakened the productive economy and encouraged the financial sector. The leaders of this country should be obliged, in the best-elect should be partners in a different world order.

traditional Marxism and other ideologies understand the shift towards a more just society in terms of revolution or disaster. How to make the idea of \u200b\u200bjustice less dependent on violent change?

Marx had a more nuanced. He seems to have thought that in parliamentary democracies the power of workers could be achieved by electoral processes. Aside their personal views, I see no basis in thought, or that of others seeking more justice and freedom, to exclude that possibility. However, it is idle to speculate. Whatever our situation, we should prefer nonviolent reform as possible, and questions about the use of violence should not even arise unless at some point iligítima authority seeks to maintain its power by force. And surely, whatever our long-term, we should do what we can to avoid a catastrophe, particularly in times like ours, a new moment in history in which the impending disaster could spell the end of the search for decent survival.

At 82 years you still denounce and fight. Tell me, what keeps you moving and do you think?

This summer I had the opportunity to witness some struggles of people facing huge threats and risks in different parts of the world, peasants and indigenous peoples in Colombia, Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, Kurds in southeastern Turkey, and could also briefly join those from a relatively privileged position are given to those causes. These are only reasons to stay active and believe in hope for a better future.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Is Ee Shoe Width

José Rouillon: The International Women's Day

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live"
is the theme of blogging
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro): /

Rosa Luxemburg, German communist, great fighter
for the rights of women and working class

The International Women's Day.

Our salute to women. Women

girls, adolescent girls
older women, women
ugly women beautiful women

women about nagging women, women
harsh, authoritarian women
talkative women, women
dialoguing women, women
sweet, tender
women, women
thoughtful women, women
smiling women,
poor women, women
working women, fighting women
women combatants, women
mothers, wives
women, single women
women religious, atheist women
women politicians.
women trade unionists.
women artists, women poets
female singers,
women composers,
female athletes.
female teachers, housewives
women educators, women
loving women, women
women who never get tired,
women of action, women
women activists, women

you missing any? ... One type of woman? "Mixtures? ... you, please complete it!

To all who love women, always women, "without exception, they want and work for a better world, to be fair, fraternal and loving.

Our respect, salute and tribute. José Rouillon

Network Forums Paulo Freire, Peru.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What To Wear With A White Sweater Vest

secret candidate Vladi and Keiko * Guillermo

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):

Who are they kidding
showing that fight,
If they are although they are not stealing
Another pearl of the daughter of Japanese criminal: like father like son

Keiko Fujimori and Vladimiro Montesinos should not be fighting. Although both are struggling to make their lawsuits seem real, the actions of this pair do not give the Oscar for supporting roles. If you do not believe it, check the list to Congress candidate Force 2011. It appears an applicant who was benefited by former presidential adviser at the time. This is Dante Zubia Luis Cortez, who goes to number one in Moquegua.

was the month of October 1998 and the country held elections. Few exceptions such as Alberto Andrade in Lima, most candidates imposed dictator Alberto Fujimori in the polls. Thus, Zubia Dante Cortez, Vamos Vecino Fujimori movement, won the vote in the province of Mariscal Nieto moqueguana in the elections of 11 October. Cristala won narrowly to Constantinides, the opposition we Peru. The result was 33.41% for the opposition and 34.07% for the sponsor. Ie, 201 votes behind, according to final figures of ONPE, then led by Jose Portillo Campbell ineffable.

According to some media Moquegua, the initial report was as winner to ONPE Constantinides. But the cake turned around hours later. Before the suspect cambiazo, Somos Peru appealed to the National Jury of Elections (JNE). The group wanted to sell face defeat and contest the election vote by vote. It was in this context that there is a dialogue between Vladimiro Montesinos and the then president of JNE, Rómulo Muñoz Arce, in the famous drawing room of the INS. The conversation occurred on November 11, 1998. Also present was the notary of the Oscar Medelius mafia. The event was immortalized in a vladivideo. In regards Montesinos dialogue on bad terms with Constantinides and compares it with the terrorist leader of the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, Victor Polay Campos. "The issue of Moquegua is a 'state problem," the Doc Here is an excerpt of collusion between these characters to run out of someone who was not his favorite saint:

Vladimiro Montesinos Torres (VMT): No but look, that, of Moquegua, the cristina ... (unintelligible), that leg, man, is with the PUM. That's like me saying, damn, Polay that has come out, damn it figuratively, elected as mayor ...
Rómulo Muñoz Arce
(RMA): But look, look. That does not mean that a new election, it does not. Because we are saying "no place for this and that will be the complementary."

VMT: But what is a binge?

RMA: A time or even know who is winning ...

VMT: No, no, women are losing, not winning has not been winning. The theme of Moquegua is a state problem, bro, is not a problem ... (laughs).

RMA: You tell me.

VMT: No, no, the case of Moquegua, why? I also have explained to Ramiro (Valdivia Cano, former member of the JNE). Ramiro is in full agreement, will support on the issue of Moquegua.

As expected, the JNE We \u200b\u200brejected the appeal of Peru and proclaimed as mayor of the veterinarian Mariscal Nieto Luis Zubia Dante Cortez. That was the only time that Cortez Zubia won an election victory. Once democracy, try to be elected as a provincial mayor in 2002, 2006, 2010. Nowhere did it. And then like magic, listed by Keiko Fujimori.

"I did fraud," states in this weekly Cristala Constantinides, a former regional president of Moquegua. She Zubia Cortez surprised that follow in politics. Holds even that Zubia is unable to exercise because it is weighed a sentence for illegal payments during his tenure as mayor in Mariscal Nieto. "I do not understand how gentleman still has vladivideo if it is shown that the plot against my candidacy to encourage it," he says.

* News extracted from the weekly Hildebrandt to his guns n º 45

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Calgary Auction Bicycle

Olivera Díaz: Keiko trespassed managing drug free

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live"
is the theme of blogging Julio Carmona
( edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
With those eyes of wonder
trespassed with his father and gestures

debris that must never be forgotten: NO.

1. The then First Lady of the Nation, 1994-2000, Keiko Fujimori Higuchi, now presidential candidate, was absolutely impossible to know whether prosecuted for drug trafficking and Ana Isabel MARTINEZ MORENO MORENO MARTINEZ Mariana Jack, at 40 days of judicial custody, those processed in a criminal court of Lima, were innocent or guilty. It was not the police, prosecutor or judge in the case, nor had a parallel investigation to the court. Even the media had dealt them.

The honorary position which held, replacing his mother's unusual Susana Higuchi, shackled at the Government Palace, did not concern him formally investigate anything or anybody, drug trafficking, nor make inquiries under the table in the lee of immorality and the prebend present or future. However, he says he spoke with Cipriani, Jose Ugaz, Rafael Rey and the devil Montesinos, who were not passing it to their favored processed. Never talked to police that made the police report, nor the prosecutor who filed the criminal complaint, either with the judge who opened the process and ordered the arrest of the known daughters of Eudocio Martinez, "Olluquito", another of the co-defendants for the same serious crime.

All efforts were made behind the scenes, in the assurance of his father, who got the same trial judge released both processed after 1 March 2000, the day he was initialed, signed and sealed Supreme Resolution No. 044-2000-JUS of Alberto Fujimori and the late Justice Minister Alberto Bustamante Belaunde, which grants the right of pardon. This rule requires that the trial judge declared extinct criminal action (short and archive processing actuated) and order the immediate release, which was fulfilled to the letter. Almost no judge dared to disobey the executive order, even if it was illegal.

2. Clear and self-confessed criminal proceeding as Keiko .- Whoever produces a similar behavior as it does on an offense, more so if after receiving 10,000 dollars as a donation from the criminally released. The bribe the manager may be before, during or after the fait accompli.

Not being a lawyer, police, prosecutor or judge of the case, but only First Lady's Office does not have access to the details of the process its parts, process and various measures of which it consists. How, then, knowing they were innocent or that they were being extorted by someone? Is that the word interest of Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, Rafael Rey Rey and attorney Jose Ugaz price replaces the criminal record of the process itself? Ideal Contest

Torts .- The behavior confessed KEIKO, ontic-ontological view, outline a complex set of offenses in undisputed Contest Ideal, Real Competition of different criminal activities. At that, the same conduct violates several rules while criminal proceedings (Art. 48 °, Penal Code), in this, it is independent events, each of them establishing of a separate crime (Art. 50 °, CP), with cumulative penalties. Consume

coverup expected and penalized in Article 404 of the Penal Code. The 2 people have evaded criminal prosecution ordered by the justice, to be specific aggravating the concealment of illicit drug trafficking, which the maximum penalty is 10 years. This is a permanent removal, forever, through artificial means the right of pardon, for these proceedings did not qualify, even for humanitarian reasons.

also committed, in the shameful corruption of officials, known as the illegal trading in influence (Article 400 °, CP), for using his real influence has received a donation of 10,000 dollars for having interceded to effectively criminal before his father, the President of the Republic, in an administrative case, as in the processing of the Prerogative of Mercy. The penalty is not less than 4 nor more than 6.

addition, if we consider the First Lady as a public official, being fraught with public functions, social and representativeness of the country that meets a full view of everyone, including budget management and control of donations cash or in kind, this would be a passive bribery own, and that you accept and receive donations, when it does not matter, as a result have failed to meet their obligations (Art. 393 ° C. P), whose minimum sentence is 5 years and maximum 8.

Ideal is a contest of crime, where at the same time conduct violates several criminal statutes, as narrated, repression is the maximum penalty more severe than expected personal concealment, can be increased, as this behavior broad spectrum, even in a quarter, and not more than 35 years.

3. Question for Dr. Gladys Echaiz .- What do you expect the Prosecutor's Office to proceed as you compete, now that the same criminal protagonist of the scandal has admitted receiving U.S. $ 10.000, of whom she favored?

The timing of the bribes paid no interest. To the judge acquits illegal, it is immaterial that he break his hand before sentencing, the same day, or much later. Same should go inside, for what he did before and outside!
Lima, March 5, 2011.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Radio Shack 2.5 Hard Drive Adapter

Forbidden to read if you have no SENSE OF HUMOR: THE BIRTHDAY OF DAVID-MARCH 6

* TO ALL MY FRIENDS FEISBUK, do you think I did not write "FACEBOOK? for those who do not understand my English ... hahaha
. Exequiel David Del Campo, on Saturday, March 5, 2011 at 5:07 am. Notice to all my friends on Facebook ... SUNDAY, MARCH 6, MY BIRTHDAY No. 24. Put the batteries and even a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" well short ... do not ask "DAVID, CHINESE, CHUCKY, CABEZÓN (or how I know), SOS UN GENIO, an idol, RE YOU WANT, MISS YOU, YOU WANT TO SEE, THESE CUTE RE, RE STRONG, RE ... (If female comment, because you saw, you should be prepared for anything in this life, you never know), I WISH YOU A BEAUTIFUL AND HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUPER ER, all your wishes come true (typical) RE LINDO THE PASSES WITH ALL THOSE WHO WANT YOU WANT AND ALSO (the other typical Loco ... call )..." also exploiting the comment box on Facebook, my mail box, e-mail invádanla .. . collapsing my phone line with a call after another, messages on the answering machine, SMS ... well ... I have 234 friends, look ... you Look how well I went, no? was born 6th of March, first week, most took their pay (those who work )...$ 10 handles you have on your wallet at this time of month, or not?, if every one of my friends, I leave your heart to give me $ 10, you do not even you can afford to buy three of these recorded movies that sell on the street, saw the promo of 3 x $ 10? because they look like ... then ... what more gratifying to know that $ 10 for every friend I have is $ 2340.00 mangos, ehhhh! is a stunt, snapped out of the month! but you know what? I love you for life if you do ... hahaha. No, I was kidding, you who are reading this, do not take it seriously ... bueeeeeno, if you insist I will not say not ... (do not give me fucking ball because I live). "Now, seriously. Your greeting by a comment, a post on my wall, a note, a message, email, SMS, or called, will be my best birthday gift ... seriously ... Thanks for taking your time and read this ... because if they did, it means that I appreciate and I value it a lot. Millions of thanks for all , and sorry for so little ... A kiss, a hug, or more simple and easy ... CHAU ... Thanks ... David.
Listen ... "I leave my cell number (011) 15 - 5013-9547 (Do not tell me you wrote it wrong because you put it in bold legible, because after they say you saw Nooo, if I sent a message !!!... what strange that you did not get "?, LIE, or you're out of credit and wanted to re kill you, or do you remember and then you missed the deadline, or sign any and you sent another message that when he read did not understand anything and scoring well and call) the fixed number is (011) 4729-0057, email and write me a and you add me to MSN Hotmail, no?. You have no excuses ... hahaha. Now ... I left. THANKS AGAIN ... "David
* NOTE OF MARES : If someone wants to call. Send a message, leave comments do not offend us, on the contrary, and if they want to send the $ 10 ... we will make an effort to accept it. .. Ha!

Can I Get Pregnant If My Cervix Is Low

processed by Joan Guimaray: "Keiko and Montesinos in mock battle" Mempo Giardinelli

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
http://www.vosquedepalabrasvives.blogspot. com /
measuring the cake was her father?
But what does matter:
that Peru there are fucked
"If I forget things right you loyalty to your father," yells the man who almost ten years was a kleptocrat and grime of that depletes the country. "Mr. Montesinos betrayed betrayed my father and Peru," sputtered the lady who did not scruple to depose his mother, the honorary post of First Lady. Then, as always, the headlines: "Keiko summons Montesinos' says one. "Keiko stopped him cold," says another. "Keiko Montesinos braking attempt to get into the campaign," says a third.

The reader then that just spells out the headlines in the newspapers since, Keiko smiled happy thinking that is' Machaze. " Cree is a courageous Democrat who faces a former adviser to his father. Is convinced that she really is the enemy of Montesinos. Thus, many distracted, agreed with others, and some diners who shared the table of the shattered decade of last century, taking advantage of the fact endorsing the CONFINTEA between Montesinos and Keiko, to 'emboldened' in defense of women studied abroad with the money of the Peruvian State, and 'indignation' against the accused Montesinos.

course, both the head of the mob rule and his partner, both defendants, must be roaring with laughter in their golden cells, and even imagination must also be squinting because the clash between Montesinos and Keiko, is but a mere farce and grotesque planned to make the front pages and headlines of the media. Can anyone believe that Keiko could face the truth, the man who knows how and with what money he paid his higher education in the U.S.? No! So when she talks about him says "the Mr Montesinos betrayed my father ...». Is that as only a simulation, Keiko is not licensed to tell either a traitor or a mafioso and blackmailer, although she says Montesinos sent to extort the Martinez family. So not only resorted to excessive euphemism for it, but also puts the name, the word 'sir', the honorary title only natural to have the right to retain those who have a history of blameless life.

Peru is not against two real opponents faced frankly and boldly from their respective positions. The country is not seeing the demarcation or confrontation ideological enemies or anything like that. Peru is facing a mob that is able to create, build and simulate everything imaginable, with the sole aim of making its presidential candidate go to the second round and then quit as head of state chosen. For this purpose simulate attacking, insulting and located, even during the electoral campaign days missing, it is possible that even his own father simulate differences in and out, so gullible citizens believe that Keiko Fujimori decent side.

is not unthinkable that Keiko do the same role as his father did, when after the fall of his adviser, personally undertook the pursuit of 'fugitive' to 'set it and give it to law enforcement authorities. Later, among them were attacked: one from his arrest in Peru, the other from the comfort of hiding in Japan. But when I came time to decide the two, it was discovered that had never been enemies. Fujimori accused him of treason, although he had always maintained that his counsel had deceived him. And, Montesinos never blamed anything to his partner, despite having claimed that he had only met the president's orders. So, neither was betrayed. Both were concealed, were still inseparable partners, linked by a long and endless list of misdeeds.

Now the mafia has three heads. In the coming days there will be more simulations of accusations and boundaries. In these evil plays will be many feints and dodges imaginary. Montesinos launch bolon from his cell, and Keiko will return in touch first. The next day, will front pages and headlines. And, until election day, over an unsuspecting citizen will have been duped.

by Joan Guimaray;

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Do U Get Your Regular Clothes Back Poptropica

: Vargas Llosa at the Fair Porteña: A little trick or careless

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
the Julio Carmona
blogs (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):

Cartoon Julio Carmona

These days it is argued, in different environments linked with literature and the publishing industry, the invitation to Mario Vargas Llosa to inaugurate the Feria del Libro de Buenos Aires this year.

The most recent Nobel Prize in Literature is a large Latin American literature, master at least two generations and not only in Peru and here, but in the world. Should be considered most honorable and very appropriate for such an outstanding personality come to Argentina to open our show more than six months after it was awarded in Stockholm.

However, this time is quite questionable that it has been invited to give the keynote address. Because it is every year, a political speech. Which should impose very carefully to the organizers, the time to invite anyone pronounce it. And that is what has not been in this case. So it was good Horacio Gonzalez in his letter, as the President was right after. But will fit other considerations.

political and ideological position of Vargas Llosa is known worldwide as more dogmatic propaganda of neo-liberalism, so it is unwise to invite you to open the show, but just as it would be unwise to invite any representative of any other dogmatic doctrinal position . That is the central question of this episode.

True Vargas Llosa makes the teacher less than a year went by very aggressive statements and writing about our country, our government and we the Argentines. Statements were not only provocative but also, to say the least, uninformed and biased, unjust and free.
None of that would warrant
distinguish, therefore. Where inviting him to open the Fair magna of this country and this year, and again at least one error. And silly if it were a naive decision, which is not what it seems. Because someone, I do not know who or who-seems to have searched this fair, in an election year, is a thorn in the government.

And that is irritating. Because it puts the President in an awkward free. If you attend, will eat a speech offensive, uninformed and provocative. And if not, be placed in a place of fear.

Worse, if you and listen and not respond, eventually thwarted. And if you go and listen and answers (which is most likely), then the English press and the press in Argentina neo-colonized in pieces whatever it says.

No output. And therein lies the trap.

Therefore, the problem is not the Nobel Prize Vargas Llosa, whose consecration was blameless because he was awarded a modern literary aesthetic, innovative, original and written in the margins of imperial civilization. The game lends itself to ideological affinity, and that beyond the great storyteller who is also a neoliberal cross, those who are terrified to any gesture or a corruption Kirchner, Menem but tolerated him without hesitation that we raffle the country , petroleum, railways, sea ports and the car.

But if the problem is not Vargas Llosa, "that it was invited to come, and talk and say what comes to mind, which is what befits a democratic country where freedom prevails self-expression , then the problem is the authorities of the Book Fair. Obviously not all, because I know that I respect the institution for years. But someone there, do not know if an intern or a dinosaur / a stray, has played this smart trick: it is difficult, almost impossible to oppose the idea of \u200b\u200ba late Nobel, and also Latin America, to open the Fair.

I think, then that would simply have to repudiate this invitation if he comes to give a political speech (which seems highly likely). And we have to applaud you come to deliver a lecture on Literature, a field in which is learned as few and no doubt delight the audience. It would be nice to know now the title of his speech, although it is obvious that after the teacher Vargas Llosa say what he pleases, and in my opinion not be deprived of text put forward the darts, stilettos and ironies. Beyond it.

But one thing is one thing and another is that someone seems to have a little trick on this issue. To convert the organization of the book fair in a kind Intellectual Liaison Board, using the figure of Mario Vargas Llosa, perhaps with his approval. Painful episode, if so. Taken from the Journal

Page 12, of Argentina.