Herbert Mujica: Men and dwarves not state!
"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
http://www.vosquedepalabrasvives.blogspot. com /
captain skillfully
a nation with 28 million inhabitants, 5 borders, gas and water, vast natural resources and so coveted urbi et orbi, a sea rich who wanted to give a transnational cowardly and above all, clearly define what things agree to Peru in its prime, and therefore risky, geopolitical location, and a deadly struggle against corruption are in this election year some of the most important ambitions of the country. What is needed to achieve even basic inklings of the national plan?: Men and dwarves not state!
The elector must require those who are seeking the votes of citizens personal security, family, intellectual and ethical implications of that promise fulfilled as case attracts the vote of support that therefore ask all sorts of ways. There are even candidates who are learning about neighborhoods marginal capital and the provinces never visited before but not a few other places looted from central government, municipal or regional level. Not enough walks, little dances, food sharing, joint statements or promises that look like laundry lists! It's all part of the most vulgar and thuggish it daily menu of all campaigns!
The voter is entitled to inquire for those who desire support in the polls what will they do about the boundary dispute with Chile which is in The Hague? How they cope with what result? To date no candidate expresses his clear voice, crystal, frank and courageous on the subject, the most important External relations will face the next administration is still a matter of state and history. How
will fight corruption if some lists are full of vermin that have made at various times, rich dark, suspicious assets and keep close relationship with nasty scandals? A lawyer mediocrĂsimo visiting a Dominican businessman in particular hotel and receive checks for tens of thousands of dollars "by mistake" chairs a parliamentary list. A former mayor of Lima specialist works in a figure begin and end in another, wants to be president. The daughter of Japan coward Inomoto Kenya Fujimori, who studied with money of all Peruvians, greed also be at the palace. And what would any of those in honey and hinges of immense machinery of massive corruption? The answer is clear: to generate more pobredumbre and immorality.
electoral democracy without economic correlation that the forces of production, capital, and state workers, generating a modern competitive national responses, only lengthen the primary export model of insufficient or no sovereignty over their resources to govern and reform all contracts made with skill and with the perverse intention of taking the lion's share and leave the bones in Peru. While the employer does not understand you have to actively participate in the defense of its products and that this requires strategic alliances with workers, training them, making technical and delegating responsibilities, FTAs \u200b\u200bwill become dormant and very dangerous threats. Peru's defense is not just military.
How to carry out the monumental task of nation building partly liquidated by corruption at all levels of its institutional life? Behold a great challenge to the imagination and intelligence. One step no doubt will always be involved with critical opinion, direct questionnaire and deep love of country, its history, Andes, sea and its riches Ubérrimo natural.
not need men and dwarves of State!
Attentive to history, the galleries applaud what sounds good! Tackle
power, the government has any!
Break the infamous and tacit agreement to speak softly! Only talent
save Peru! Read
www.voltairenet.org / is
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