Friday, January 7, 2011

Great Jeans For Big Stomach

Summer ... warm, moist ... as always in Buenos Aires ... typical meal of pizza around here ... ... with beer, soda ... But these are Porcelain cold 2 cm in diameter ...
mozzarella pizza with peppers and olives. ham and olives.
ham, red peppers and hard boiled egg quarters.
Mozzarella, olives and slices of fresh tomatoes.
For dessert a rolled vanilla, whipped cream, decorated with cherries, or apricot pie and whipped cream.
A large cake decorated with chocolate roses.
Another chocolate cake and cream, to which we add a mass tray fine (lots of cream and caramel) and some dry cookies, ideal for a good tea or a coffee in later.
y. .. I prefer them with a good mate ... Why not? ...
cakes and trays do not exceed 2 cm in diameter, the cup only 1 cm.
love miniatures, and while (just disrespectful ...) do not follow the rule of 1 / 12 scale, I'm not going to compete in any way ...
continue to work ... until the next entry.


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