Saturday, February 26, 2011

Does Rephresh Cause Spotting

Olivera Guillermo Diaz: Fujimori orally advise no more Olivera Guillermo Diaz

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
http://www.vosquedepalabrasvives.blogspot. com /

Keikojudas should call this great lady,
that all
betray it remains Japan.


1. Keiko Fujimori, for his conduct known as opaque Congressman lazy Faltona, lackluster and mental vigor, unproductive by only 17 bills introduced in 5 years, Magin falente of statesmanship, is the undeniable daughter of his father, but hide their phenotype to genotype. One is leptosoma to the bone, the other figure rounded up in the face.

With 23 pairs of chromosomes Nipponese, with all its invisible karyotypic abnormalities, and apparently without competition maternal plainly heard her say on TV that will have on their father a "consultant class." It was in Panorama, Canal 5 TV on 31 January 2010.

treacherous tongue carcinoma .- Although now that advice is inexorably dull as his father had removed a piece of tongue cancer that prevents you from talking, eating and swallowing food. What started as a white plaque in the body, or leukoplakia, has spread to be a squamous cell carcinoma, surgical excision only practiced could slow its spread to surrounding areas or diaspora. It remains that the lean consultant, has lost 15 kilos in weight and go for more, write your advice and the pupil learn the script. Poor country

ours that the President's advice from jail, someone dropped by oral cancer, the tumor and trauma surgery, turn, convicted three times, twice for "honest confession" after many years of negative crime, whose maximum penalty is 25 years, authoring and mediate direct or material of serious crimes against humanity, including aggravated robbery to the detriment of the country and individuals, using up "crowbars (the burglars utensil) with that police and military headquarters activity, breaking doors and entered into the property of the wife of Montesinos and subtracted all it contained.

The loot without loss of time was given to Fujimori himself, when his tongue now portended evil, accompanied by his brother Victor Aritomi Shinto singular (Ambassador of Peru in Japan after giving up his Japanese citizenship in 1991 and co-authored wrongdoing), the Air Group No. 8 Jorge Chavez Airport. Strange but true tingling!. He was President of the Republic and acted as a real criminal gang leader, the adept in the robbery and the lowest funds in Buenos Aires.

2. Same appetites of government .- Keiko wants the same as his father, who had another dangerous offender as ladino estate consultant " Vladimiro Montesinos Torres, an expert in chicanery of any sort and the high cost to the country of 15 million dollars, magically accurate, supposedly paid as compensation for length of service (CTS), without any settlement or return receipt requested, or at hand, on 22 September 2000 for delivery that made him the one sent by Fujimori, unworthy Army General Luis Aníbal Muente SCHWARZ. Although

removed a piece of tongue cancer, I hope that the bad does not spread throughout the body that has to continue living in prison!, The parent will not be able to whisper how to be inventive and create artificial tricks to steal the national treasury that millionaire dollars in cash, using the servile minister of economy (also convicted offender but suspended sentence) Carlos Alberto BOLOGNA BEHR, 2 times minister of Fujimori (1991 and 2000), Vice Minister Alfredo Jalili Awapa it, released by Alejandro Toledo with right of pardon terminal cancer while still living, and a crowd of army generals and police, active and retired (so are), those who recognized their supreme leader in the offense, which gave the "luxury "to deliver at home so enormous sum in notes, Vladimiro Montesinos, now jailed and also by its refiner multicondenado merits. His

advice of "luxury", this time with the damn language impaired by cancer, will also cover the subtle way to get another 15 million dollars, with notes of different denominations, other dark cave of Ali Baba to return them to the Peruvian treasury, claiming naively find impunity in the future, which ultimately failed to get despite the clever shyster Cesar Nakasaki SERVIGON, was sentenced illegally because only 7 ½ years of forcible detention. This time it was benevolent SAN MARTIN Cesar Eugenio Castro and company, the same man who inflicted 25 years and whom the Fujimori sentenced him away from the judiciary by decree law. The world spun and supreme judge and defendant met again!

3. Advice for after office .- Also advise in writing because it is useless language, how to avoid criminal justice by fleeing to Japan in official plane, giving up the Presidency of the Republic via a modest fax, after years of runaway logging clandestinely, chartered plane, to the city of Santiago CHILE, hence the expensive face extradition proceedings, stubbornly refusing to Chilean judges have committed such wrongdoing and, as in Peru extradited, before accepting his commission and getting denied 3 members justices, led by CESAR SAN MARTIN CASTRO, you get smaller the trial applying unlawful "foregone conclusion, by sincere confession, for large-scale corruption is not publicized, splash and electorally damaging someone from the dynasty.

In other words, the advice will include how to be a chameleon of such warp edges hidden psychological secrets, for which Fujimori are champions. Soon we will have the gloomy uncle James and the stem and congressional Kenyi vacuum state with pay

4. Other tips for good governance will also .- dynastic themes of parent counseling: How to be Supreme Head of the Armed Forces Armed, whose cheeks and size does not impede the charge and the mode of convening humiliatingly to its members, General-like CARLOS ALBERTO CRUZ Bergamin-out rallies at Government House at any time, send them to collect, count carefully in the vaults of the Banco de la Nacion and hand-General EP LUIS ANIBAL Muente SCWARZ-the $ 15 million to Montesinos, order them with kickstand forcible unlocking the doors of the department 501 of the Av Javier Prado N º 1995, San Isidro , the advisor of yore and in separate vans, driving, are established at the one o'clock the 6 military aides de Palacio to the right place and receive from the police contingent headquarters on himself Chief of Police, General PNP FEDERICO HURTADO ESQUERRA more than 100 luggage stolen by Night and armed, full of videos incriminating, suits and shirts Christian Dior watches, gold and lead the Air Group N º 8 (near the International Airport Jorge Chavez) where expected today called "consultant" luxury ", with the succubus Aritomi SHINTO brother. After

order issued by the Capo for all military police and bystanders are withdrawn, the video selection was made and at 7 am the booty was carried to KENYA FUJIMORI Palace in front of the convoy. There was the embarrassment of showing in conference Press!

Finally, the written advice, because the language is impaired, cover other military roles and others whose verbal orders of the President and written up by phone, are met without hesitation or murmuring, under pain of passing into retirement of a sudden, without explanation valid.

5. Arenga plaintive as advice .- In case something goes wrong during the government counselors phrases are: "My dear, brave as your father if you piss of fear, full of moral as he has studied, for something like your brothers in abroad without costing you a cent, "paragon of virtue, which include replacing your mother as First Lady without defending it, whether military, police and other tyrants in your splint pull the trigger and kill innocents and sinners without trial, public trial denies any head size dark forces. Become a blind eye as you are. So you could be the possibility of your re-election in 2016. And as your unique father seeks a third term, renting an interpreter of the Constitution that I did, because the people suffered and endured more supported by their blindness. "

"And for this advice I will not charge the $ 15 million that he had to pay to see it pictured in my dreams, and that monozygotic pair ever see on television in Channel 5 sold another of ours, now a fugitive from justice, to the round figure of 15 melons eats me. My advice will be free until the blessed cancer consume me for my merits. "

Daughter: Never forget that the language is also cancerous! Somehow, they pushed the criminal law of life, that it does not dominate our Attorney José Ugaz.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Beautiful Agony Tattoo

Keiko: Keiko Fujimori A "money will get one" of two drugs processed by Alberto Cruz

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
blogs July
Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):

not forget
who is imprisoned for corruption, for theft, criminal

and all that your child has no forgiveness.


1. Some time ago that a presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori Higuchi "silver arrives alone" (as Alan Smith), by unlawful management made in February 2000, before his father (then President) to grant it "right of grace" (meant freeing them from filing their judicial detention and criminal proceedings) to 2 processed arrested for drug trafficking, as indeed did, without any moral qualms.

These are prosecuted for drug trafficking: Ana Isabel Martinez and Mirjana MORENO Jackeline Jackeline or MARTINEZ MORENO Mariana, daughter of the famous "Olluquito" Case Hayduk, who by Supreme Resolution No. 044-2000-JUS, of 1 March 2000, signed by Alberto Fujimori Fujimori and signed by the President shakes the Council of Ministers and Minister of Justice Alberto Bustamante Belaunde, of 01/03/2000, are criminally right of pardon granted to only 40 days of detention ordered by a criminal court of Lima, which were released immediately and cut or file the criminal proceedings course. The Judiciary is obliged without hesitation to fulfill its mandate of political power, even if money involved.

are the same people, previously excluded from the process of drug smuggling Keiko-management acknowledged this in the Panorama program of Channel 5 TV, Sunday, December 3, 2000 - for his father that resolution rubrique Supreme bountiful that you donate 10,000 dollars, later, to be spent freely, sometimes in small urgent food for their children, now in its modest electoral campaign of 2006 or the present. What a spoiled heir to the fortune of "Olluquito!

2. The presidential prerogative of mercy .- It is a legal concept in the Constitution, with which the heads of state as Fujimori thrive, including the daughters, as the predestined () Keiko Sofia. The environment, as the profane Rafael Rey Rey and criminal law specialist José Ugaz Sánchez Moreno bring the customer, after giving away $ 10.000 is more, such as in the case at hand.

There is no definition institute constitutional or legal. It is similar to a pardon, seen as forgiveness of the penalty the offender, because the right of grace as it is said "pardon for trial" because the criminal proceedings against anyone, cut, filed the actuated and stopped it released. It is a means of extinguishing criminal action.

However, Article 118, paragraph 21 of the Constitution is restrictive. The President can not grant it at will, because he asks his daughter dear. It is up to "exercise the right of pardon in favor of the defendants, in cases where the investigation stage has exceeded its deadline twice the amplifying more." No other standard say otherwise.

In practical terms, as the 2 who benefited by Keiko were excluded from the criminal trial for drug trafficking with an arrest warrant ordered by a criminal court, received an early acquittal, as the right of grace received, a few 40 days his arrest, was instrumental impunity. Never again can reopen what was the subject of the presidential pardon of Alberto Fujimori and the daughter asked. Like father like son!

3. Keiko Confession .- The above has publicly admitted (Channel 5 TV, Panorama, 3/12/2000) have taken steps at the request of then-Congressman Rafael Rey and have talked about the criminal matters José Ugaz. The latter, for as a lawyer, a specialist in criminal matters, defense of the father of them and of themselves, it is up to find the clumsy way the right of pardon to free 2 processors, with open learning and forcible detention outside tiny of the constitutional provision transcribed above.

What Ugaz failed as an advocate in criminal proceedings if you obtained via the right of pardon, in yoke with the father of Keiko and Rafael Rey, then Congressman and now a member of the presidential plate glow. Why is that? The reasons for idling.

processed Both had entered the prison on January 18, 2000 and until March 1 to be issued by Supreme Resolution No. 044-2000-JUS actually release them, had passed a month and 10 days. Constitutionally, legally for a presidential pardon that needed to be processed and held for 30 months, more than 900 days and gracefully left the 40 days only, without any legal or factual support. There were humanitarian reasons.

I imagine that such great memories, the beneficiaries are benevolent and he was given to his own benefactor Keiko Fujimori's modest sum of $ 10.000 more. How much was the settlement, while tense and tearful by detained with the father desperate for his beautiful daughters, using a congressman as King and professional fees paid to the specialist turned her specialty? The conjecture is your respectable reader.

4. .- Grave moral outcome to any prosecution for drug trafficking, offensive these public health, but the charges were false, is not the prerogative of mercy which fixes the mess. If you are the Fujimori back, on the contrary, the ingredient volatilized by corruption.

With criminal north, all tried for the crime may be, but he has a trained and prisoner day, you could extinguish the criminal action, dismissing the process, filing the record and released immediately. The criminal with an arrest warrant from a judge would be others, if a supreme resolution, make FUJIMORI, unlawfully maintained by KEIKO, becomes an effective antidote. Let's vote for

KEIKO, his moral sacrosanct save Peru!

Text provided by:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ve View / - Axis 206w

Egypt: the revolt of the middle class (and the beginning of a new struggle)

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is
the theme of blogging
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):

With flowers
the enemy will not change brutal: the rule

weapons in the final battle.

Saturday February 19, 2011. Posted by CEPRID

The enthusiasm that has swept through the world the Arab revolt in Tunisia and Egypt has to be qualified, a lot. In these two countries have achieved some successes, such as the withdrawal of its presidents and the beginning of a constituent or dissolution stage Parliament, but can not speak of the defeat of the ruling class in both countries since the military retains its grip on power and resources. In Tunisia and Egypt have seen a revolt of the middle class, increasingly impoverished and with no prospect of political and professional promotion, not the workers.

In the case of Egypt, a country of major geopolitical importance that Tunisia, one can speak, even an attempt at the middle class to take power to be deprived of "their rights" mainly as a result of two factors: electoral fraud that left without seats and not the Islamists, prohibited, but any other option formations electoral opposition and deteriorating economic conditions as a result not so much due to an economic system that is not disputed by the middle class but for their impoverishment as a class to the global rise in food prices.

in Egypt for years, attending a growing resentment of the middle class to maintain, with no prospect of change, a political and economic system centered on the military oligarchy since 1952 have been ruling and controlling in a hegemonic the country's resources. Clustered in or around the National Democratic Party, these sectors have prevented any kind of benefit-sharing a middle class increasingly powerful, but prospects do not already participate in the distribution of the pie but to find skilled employment and commensurate with their training.

In fact, the World Bank praised the Egyptian government a week before the start of the revolt and the country was considered the North African country with better macroeconomic performance in recent years, saying growth would be 5-7% for this 2011. Macroeconomics that did not reach the population and the middle class saw happen under their noses without getting any benefit for her. Not to mention the working class, forced to live with miserable salaries of less than two euros a day.

It Therefore, the revolt was only a matter of time and the example of Tunisia was the trigger. But a revolt is not far from revolt and revolution. Directed by the middle class, there has been no direction and when it appeared petty youth was chained to a computer without any experience in the fight against the regime. Faced with the spontaneity had to face a well-established and cohesive military institution that had long been limited to exercise of "referee" while events were favored leaving the police shrewdly as shock troops of the regime against the "legitimate aspirations" of the protesters . With this attitude, encouraged by certain media and middle class speech prey to his "peaceful protest", the Army has not been seen for what it is, the real enemy if you want a real transformation in Egypt, even to announce delivery power in six months and speed up the process of drafting a new constitution, which shall remain unquestioned current economic references.

has been, without doubt, a popular movement in which there has been an increasingly active participation of workers. But it was when they have taken a greater role and have radicalized their actions (radical, going to the root of the problems) as in Suez, Port Said, Asyut, El Arish, Dawwar and Kafr el-Mahalla al Kubra and other Egyptian cities, to making government buildings, burning vehicles and police stations (1), blocked roads and putting up a series of strikes throughout the country that included the threat of closure of the Suez Canal when the military has decided that enough was enough and took the final step of forcing Mubarak to leave the presidency despite his bravado to stay in it until September. The sit-in Tahrir Square could hold a series of strikes that might endanger the system collapse, no.

can speak without reserve, coup "white" by an Army that depends on water as the fish of U.S. military aid, and the U.S. announced the immediate resumption of aid of 1,300 million dollars to maintain its image. A revolt of the middle class is easier to control accepting some political and social reforms that do not question the system. A revolution, no. Since there was sufficient evidence of workers' power in the textile strikes of 2007 and 2008 (2), which not only pose an economic or labor, but political. Widespread strikes has become so jittery military calls for his dismissal and appeals to "damage to national security" that would cause threats have multiplied, more or less explicit intervention against strikers if they did not cease in their claims (3). At least in the militant town of Mahalla textile workers have decided to ignore the threats and continue with the protests, leading to the retention of management to labor and social improvements.

bloggers, with the help of the military

And this has clearly been the real objectives of the revolt of the middle class: one of the media icons, the famous blogger Wael Ghonim, arrested by the regime during the early days of the revolt and praised endlessly by the anti-Mubarak Egyptian bourgeoisie and the media Western in the heart, published in Twitter a call for an end to strikes (4) just know the statement read by Vice President Suleiman imposed by Mubarak, announcing the abandonment of hitherto president and the formation of the military junta lead the country "on an interim basis." A call that he and other bloggers have repeated a few days later when puffed on the crest of the wave as "leaders of the protest have been received by the military junta to" listen to their demands. "

As the uprising began, from the Internet have increased calls for demobilization with a suspicious phrase, "Mission accomplished" and some openly counterrevolutionary slogans, if there has been a revolution, "let's work together for a new Egypt, and more powerfully" (sic). And the demobilization has been fast without having accomplished anything more than the resignation of Mubarak. Certain that no longer serves as chairman, his portraits have hook and suspended parliament and constitution, but his legacy will remain intact for a long time: the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (CSFA) was quick to announce that it will maintain an interim the government itself imposed by Mubarak and Egypt will honor all international agreements sucritos (referring to the peace agreement with Israel and delivery of gas to this country at subsidized prices, the deployment of Egyptian troops in Sinai, with the acquiescence of Israel, should be interpreted in this sense and to "protect" the pipeline sabotaged and once in the early days of revolt). That is, the cornerstones of the system remain intact. The Egyptian version of "well-bound and bound" Franco. In addition, its first steps announced both a "respect for the police, asking her collaboration despite the high level of repression exercised, as the maintenance of economic and financial policy. But this, which is the backbone of the Mubarak regime has been conveniently hidden with the announcement of handing over power to civilians in six months, free elections, curiously close to the month of September is always raised Mubarak as the date for withdrawal, and the development of a new constitution that have mandated " wise "and which are officially missing, although unofficial matches.

Arguably, the initial phase of the revolt has achieved: Mubarak has disappeared in the foreground, there are more social rights and the military has promised reforms and elections. What we have achieved is great, but not enough. It will make concessions without touching the spinal cord of the system, especially in the field economic. If the middle class it complies with the military oligarchy will continue to control the lion's share of the resources of Egypt. Will then be the time of the revolution. But there will be opposite a police party but "democratic" nor a hated regime, but supported by a middle class and a bourgeoisie that fiercely defend their privileges. The revolt of the middle class has been shared by the working class, has taken the time to create a new Egyptian Trade Union Federation and committees in many factories. Unit has been in the least-Mubarak's resignation, social rights, but little else. The balance of power between classes will crucial from now. The class struggle, which has been glimpsed only the beginning, emerge with strength and see how many of those who now sympathize with the "revolution" Egypt are preparing to do the same with the hypothesis of a bourgeois government.

geopolitical consequences

With the measures announced by the CSFA Israel has breathed quietly for the first time in almost three weeks. U.S. and EU are very welcome and even applaud modosita Saudi output has been given to the crisis (its stock market had fallen an average of 6% since the beginning of the revolt). Although other arguments, the joy has also spread to other areas and organizations as Hezbollah, whom the Mubarak regime demonized and criminalized for trying to support the Palestinian resistance as Gaza suffered the Israeli attack in early 2009. One thing: during the first days of the rebellion was a mass escape of prisoners, although some have said he was encouraged by the regime itself to create chaos. Was so or not, the fact is that one of those who escaped was the Hezbollah militant network to train Gazans support for Israeli aggression and had been sentenced for life ", who has been able to return to Lebanon (5).

is certainly in the geopolitical aspect where the revolt of the Egyptian middle class will have more impact in the medium and long term. The first is that, despite the relief felt by the decision of the CSFA to maintain the peace agreement, time is no longer in favor of Israel. If until now his main ally was the weakness of Arab regimes and the smashing of their population, as of now it is going to be more difficult once it has been a transition from a certain political liberalization. The mere fact that there may be Islamists in parliament makes it harder for systematic policy of subservience to the US-Israeli designs and, consequently, decreases the ability of the Zionist enforcement policy. U.S. can not even shake again the bogey of Sunni-Shiite conflict, as it has done in its campaign against Iran. Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, Sunni, best, largest and most disciplined political group have some historical ties with Iran dating back to 1970. One of the ideologues of the Iranian Islamic revolution, Ali Shariati, quoted often thought one of the chief ideologues of the Muslim Brotherhood, Syed Qutb. And when a command of this organization militants killed in 1981 when Mubarak's predecessor, Anwar Sadat, for signing the peace agreement with Israel the families of most of the members of that command were granted asylum in Iran. Furthermore, given the increased repression of Egyptian regime against HM from that year, many of its top leaders made landfall in Iran. Surprisingly, the U.S. and Israel are left to Al Qaeda, and Saudi Arabia, for encouraging this confrontation between religions. Nor should one forget that before this revolt of the middle class, Israel had already lost its traditional ally Turkey as a result of the slaughter of the flotilla, Syria has been regaining political power at regional level (6) and Iran increases its influence throughout Middle East. There's a new balance of power in the Middle East and the role of the U.S. and Israel is weakened with each passing day. With the exception of Libya, the countries ruled by riots shake U.S. allies and turn a blind eye to Israel. We are witnessing a new correlation of forces in which organizations have gained new strength dose of morale and confidence. The fact unlikely, that the secretary general of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, publicly threatened Israel with "free" Galilee if a new war against Lebanon (7) clearly shows the weakness of the positions of the Zionists and their allies .

Egypt will maintain its capitalist economic line, but will not be a regional power because, among other things, it will cost a long time to settle the new government both internally and externally, and one of its main touchstone is the attitude towards Gaza and Hamas, as well as to other Arab resistance forces such as Hezbollah. And in any case, if there was a remote possibility of American-Israeli attack against Iran, has vanished like a soap bubble. An attack in this situation so fragile socio-political order would not of an Egyptian "moderate", but a whole whole region as we know it now. Unintentionally, of course, this has been the great contribution of Mubarak with his stubbornness in staying in power until the last minute.


(1) Hossam el-Hamalawy, February 9, 2011. The Ministry of Interior speaking of 99 Egyptian police attacked and "dozens" of police vehicles on fire, but provided no exact figure.

(2) Joel Beinin and Hossam el-Hamalawy: "The Egyptian labor sector facing the new economic order"

(3) Prensa Latina February 14, 2011.

(4), February 11, 2011.

(5) The Daily Star, February 8, 2011.

(6) Alberto Cruz, "Syria achieved a new balance of forces in the Middle East"

(7) As-Safir, 17 February 2011.


Articles by this author

• BOOK "Indigenous people in America

• Survey of Egypt: not just a matter of" transition "

• Reflections on the Revolution in Egypt



Saturday, February 19, 2011

Naturism Online Movies

César Hildebrandt "The end of the embassies"

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
blogs Julio Carmona
(edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro)

Will we still dominated by the ravenous eagle ,
and killed by his soldiers
called "Peace Corps"?

serious is what the U.S. ambassador in Lima last Wednesday said Ollanta Humala. And it is because, among other things, proves that some politicians are dependent on American power. Not that I admire Faulkner or Roosevelt, bowing to Wall Street. They do not love the best of the United States, which are its dissidents, its scientists, its plastic, its directors, its writers or its astronomers: what is the empire subjugated the lands in the desert, the rain of debris from their planes invincible.

It happened like this: Wikileaks has revealed that between October and November 2005, a senior Interior Ministry official of the government of Alejandro Toledo came to the United States Embassy in Peru and asked "do not know if the ambassador or the speaker that he had appointed - that America would contribute to prevent Ollanta Humala came to the presidency of the Republic Pre.

That contribution was to participate, with all the geopolitical and diplomatic weight necessary to create an international environment hostile to Humala. It was, in short, to create and / or bounce news, rumors amplify and magnify any indications that would allow people to make you believe that Hugo Chavez was on stage, that Humala was merely his puppet and that his victory could only amount to the apocalypse.

That means, a Christian, Toledo's representative who spoke at the embassy ("Romulo Pizarro has nothing to tell us?) Was not asking for anything other than the CIA's interference in Peru's presidential election. Because only the CIA does the dirty things that the emissary of Toledo requested. U.S. Ambassador

- Rose Likins

nice and foul-mouthed The current ambassador of the United States has stated that "I did not say that President Alejandro Toledo had asked us something." Of course, does not lie. It was not Toledo. It was his envoy: nothing less than "a senior official in Peru's interior ministry" (as recorded verbatim in the cable sent from Lima to the State Department.)

remember: in October-November 2005 Humala appeared as someone who threatened the status quo and its influence on inside the country and in poor areas of Lima, was that many feared that growth would, in the coming months, exponential.

Lourdes Flores, the chronic defeat, he faced. Was first, but stopped in 25% of intended votes. And Alan García, who still had the rotten the housing 80, was hit in the growing Humala score (13% for both in November 2005, according to conservative always Universidad de Lima). Polls

massive made by the service Navy intelligence, and not disclosed to the public, showed that the resistance against Garcia was huge and that would be a fatal drag during the course of the war. And they also indicated that the candidacy of Lourdes Flores could aspire, at best cases, 3o% of valid votes.

Those fears began to come alive soon: in just one month, Humala rose from 13 to 23 percent of likely voters that Lourdes Flores while landing at 28 percent and Alan Garcia, like Paniagua, descended a few tenths.

The situation was, therefore, a disaster for those who thought-and think-that only PPK and peers can govern the country. Among those many members were afraid of the pig Brotherhood, a lobby of journalists gathered to serve the powers that required it.

Among those victims of the panic was, first, El Comercio, which led, with the ferocity of his best times sanchescerristas, the campaign against Humala. And that may be the reason that Commerce, which does highlight the meeting of Chavez and Humala emissary in 2008, now says that "only Wikileaks documents dated from 2006 forward." What nerve! How old nausea! Let

recalls, was at that time that Dr. Toledo, president of the republic, urged the people "do not leap into the void," grossly intruding in the election campaign.

remember a little more: it was at that time, in full electoral battle that trade and the Glen Miller Band, assisted probably from the U.S. Embassy-immersed herself the false news that they were entering from the Bolivian border- Peruvian 60.000 rifles that would be designed to "Alba sponsored guerrillas." It was the moment when Cecilia Valenzuela, turned into soups Rosita Rios of reactionaries, he saw Chavez fighters and international terrorists up in the soup.

The task was clear: only a terror campaign could do that Garcia, in the second round, returned to the presidency was disgraced. From there to think that Toledo and Garcia were partners in obtaining episodic key information for the campaign there is only one step.

There is no doubt that Mr Chávez wanted Humala won and hoped that Peru would be helpful to your project on Bankruptcy brutal and arbitrary expropriation. And there is no doubt that Humala did not, in time, the clear demarcation that any board would have had to shout, separated from the Venezuelan military believed Bolivar but sometimes acted like Juan Vicente Gómez.

But that was an issue that had to deal with the Peruvians.

Go to the U.S. Embassy was repeating what he did the Chilean fascism at the time of Allende: seek advice for the crime, sabotage silver strikers powder for bombs, weapons to kill General Rene Schneider, who was murdered in October 1970 following a CIA plan aimed at preventing the United People's Dad came to power in elections won and confirmed by Congress.

Mr. Toledo should give us some explanations. But above all it should, alone, to repent. Be the caboose and is painful. Put on the overalls of coal and / or starches Butler is too much for an agent. Up to a third world.

Taken from the weekly "Hildebrandt to his guns", February 18, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lethal Dose Alprazolam

Humberto Gomez Garcia: "civil war deepens in Colombia?"

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited in collaboration with John Victor Alfaro):

widely circulating on the Internet a detailed report issued General Command of the rebel group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia FARC, which realizes, in Parts of War, of what happened in combat military Colombia's regular army and paramilitary groups in 2010, which concludes with the chilling numbers of soldiers, police and paramilitary forces killed or wounded in war actions, ambushes, direct combat and the casualties suffered by the own leftist guerrillas and revolutionary.

that report also gives the statistics of the captured weapons and equipment, equipment of various kinds, secret documents of the Army, also the damage to helicopters, planes, gunboats, artillery vehicles.

A statistic known as much for Colombians abroad, in which at least indicates that insurgent groups have repeatedly been destroyed as has been said since the former genocidal government, criminal, anti-patriotic and stubborn enemy of Venezuela and its people, Alvaro Uribe.

circulating figures which account for deaths, injuries, broken down month by month, day by day when the events armed-certainly more headers of municipalities, states, or departments bordering Venezuela and many places throughout Colombian. The following are the figures of the FARC on their casualties to the Army and the Colombian State Police and paramilitary assets. "Annual Report of the War Party throughout the national territory by 2010. In the consolidated Shares of 2010 we recorded 2272 War with the following results: 4341 Out: - 2078 dead spread over 48 officers and noncommissioned officers, 1697 soldiers, 218 paramilitary police and 115 military employees. - 2242 injuries in 26 commissioned officers, 1938 soldiers, 233 policemen and 45 paramilitary and army colleagues. - 21 missing

Other results: - 75 helicopters damaged and one destroyed.

- 21 planes and damaged aircraft.

- 13 naval vessels including 2 ships damaged.

- skates, vehicles, energy and various infrastructure.

- Seized different material of war. "

Is it credible or not such information by the commanders of the FARC? Should we believe him to Uribe who began his government lied and made the political lie-like George Bush, a line of state, who brutally attacked in Ecuador and was about to declare war on Venezuela by Hugo pathological hatred Commander Chavez and the fear of the Bolivarian revolution, to the point of sacrificing the commercial oligarchy he represented and forced the Venezuelan government to the commercial and political break with so much abuse?

information why the FARC does not speak of an armed group threatened with extinction as repeatedly affirmed by both the government of Alvaro Uribe war criminal as the current Mr. Santos, even with the hard knocks and setbacks inflicted on the guerrillas by the army with the undeniable support of the United States government of the North and deaths ( murder, qualified by revolutionaries) of key leaders of that organization, Raul Reyes, Mono Jojoy, among others.

Colombian press, gagged and responding to the coordinates government has invisible civil war in Colombia, has played down, hiding the Colombian public the reality of greater severity and magnitude of great concern to advance the struggle for power peace. Lies have short arms, so how to hide, for example, false positives or the contract killing of popular fighters, or mass graves of two thousand bodies buried in secret but thanks to the fighters and defenders of human rights , these crimes and genocide committed by the Colombian military can not go unpunished?

War for sectors of the Colombian oligarchy is a lucrative business, with the full support of the American state, in fact Uribe handed sovereignty to allowing U.S. troops to occupy strategic military bases 7 to continue operating, threatening countries South America. Are illegal, has established state agencies, but still there. Plus, never approve his alembic, instead they rose tariffs for their exports.

There is so far, and the world to see, will to seek a negotiated end to the war, stop the carnage that the war has generated, because the 4341 casualties in dead and wounded, not counting the guerrilla own casualties had that year, are only 2010, how many occurred in the two governments of Uribe? What about previous years? And the conservative estimate of 4 million displaced? You are required

roughly the guerrillas to disarm, is not started doing it when Thousands of guerrillas were demobilized, formed political parties as the unit Patri'tica and killed all its members, like other organizations such as the demobilized M-19 fighters, including its top leader? Then the lack of willingness to seek a negotiation is not this or that president, is the system of the dominant classes, the braking oligarburguesía that possibility and the American empire. Impera-authoritarian, repressive, with a growing parapolitics, with the highest rates of crime and crime across the continent, with an economy with a high-if not decisive-component of the drug. The iron will of lovers and fighters for peace in Colombia and the extraordinary woman who is Piedad Córdova, the slow to anger, with a cruelty that can not be conceived. The chase death and have not been destroyed by his enormous moral strength and solidarity of his countrymen and all who love peace and justice.

is vital to Venezuela in Colombia for peace, our nation and our people suffer excessively almost massive crime that comes beyond kidnapping, drug trafficking, contract killings, waves of people displaced by civil war, military intervention, intelligence, paramilitary , organized crime, etc.., etc., etc.

The panoramic political / social Colombian is delicate, very serious, but it is up to the Colombians find a solution for the good of the people and the nation. The guerrillas of the FARC, beyond criticize some strategic visions and military tactics, he knows where it stands and only her to decide, within the framework of a sovereign policy and negotiations that will eventually be produced, world events they are giving, if they lay down arms or not. The fighting figures made only in 2010 and four thousand and so many casualties of the two governments (Uribe and Santos), talk about military and political force, not endangered groups as they have been selling and longline tinterillos tied to media power of the oligarchy and the governments themselves.

Will the guerrilla army to take power in Colombia? That is not something for us to affirm or deny it or simply say no. What is certain is the acute crisis of capitalism, how unexpectedly yesterday oppressed peoples such as Tunisia or Egypt, not armed uprisings, but dead by the murderous police repression, and an unyielding decision to change, overthrow governments in decades in power, people who decided to cease the false tyranny and democratic governments like those of these two countries, staunch allies of the Americans and Israeli fascists, just as those are some of the reactionary and oligarchic governments in Latin America, Colombian between them. I imagine the President Santos put their beards to soak and rethinking policy towards peace in their country. (02/11/1912)

( )

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What To Write In A Colleague's Wedding Card

Eduardo Gonzalez Viana: "In Peru, the groundhogs come from Japan"

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):

The groundhog in America is a tradition. Is the smallest and most accurate guess of the time on the planet.

Every February 2 in a village with an unpronounceable name, Punxsutawney, seven men dressed in tails and top hat is a bet against the den and expect to come out, rubbing the tabs, the little rodent.

Leaving home, the groundhog thinks a moment and look back and forth. If you do not see his shadow, predicts that spring is coming and decides to stay away from the den .. If you discover your own shadow, that means that winter will continue and therefore returns to bed to continue sleeping. In

Peru, start a tradition similar birth. In a sort of golden prison or bedroom woodchuck hibernates a man to be both the looting of public finances by hundreds of millions of dollars as a dreadful crime against humanity that were normal, everyday pain, torture, torment , the torture and genocide.

With the same eagerness and sharp claws of rodents of the species, the woodchuck, before escaping from his burrow heading to Japan, dozens of suitcases filled with cash, secret documents, revealing videos and some of his loot. The plane was already leaving, but still closing bags. Then, in Tokyo, quickly signed a Fax cowardly resignation from the presidency to use the hands in counting the wads of dollars he had led.

The rodent who ruled Peru did not spare even the smallest bit of money that put him close. When the Japanese sent him to donate used clothing to the needy, it seemed to give it to poor Peruvians would mean wasteful and instructed his sister to sell the goods.

The violence came in addition to the arrangements between partner Vladimiro Montesinos and drug traffickers. Born in the overvaluation of public works. Commissions derived from the multi-million dollar contracts and purchases from foreign companies. It originated in accepting bribes from big business. According to the anti-corruption prosecutor, U.S. $ 6 billion disappeared from state coffers during the era of the groundhog.

Part of this capital was invested in buying the loyalty of television channels, one was intended to subsidize trash newspapers, which have been fed since then the information needs of poor Peruvians.

Videos filmed by her partner showed us where he was also the money. Any reader can review them at the same time on the internet if you want to see parliamentarians, journalists, publishers and entrepreneurs and take them off a session of shame and vomiting while the dollars have bargained Montesinos, the contractor.

Due to the limitations of the law of extradition, it has tried for all his crimes, but have tried all the defendants, and he has supported others to prevent further revelations own judicial sequence.

recently wrote: "Everyone knows in Peru modest nine students and their teacher were victims of a slaughter ordered by a man who boasted of his admiration for a beast nearby, and said in those days:" He will be Pinochet, but I'm Chinochet. "

Everyone knows that this character simpleton seminalfabeto, almost Lombrosian, justified in public and private, as often as he could, the blood bath ... "I meant

students and a professor at the National University of Education at midnight were taken from their homes on campus for after being tortured, burned alive and buried in the middle of the road. When his disappearance was reported, the groundhog of Peru went on television to declare that the boys had run away to go to join the insurgency.

I think today that the greatest crimes of the groundhog has been to establish a State plant a perverse and public opinion to which the criminal brutality of the government admissible in cases of internal disturbance or opposition that might reveal secrets very uncomfortable.

Such opinion has not been erased, and appears to have intended to do so. This explains the high percentages that surveys on their way to award the presidency to a candidate whose first decree will open the door of the sleeping groundhog burrow.

Some of the millions stolen from high school paid college that lady as paid and are paying the carnival dances to promote his campaign. Nothing in the Peruvian case seven gentlemen dressed in tails and top hat standing in front of the door of the groundhog, but the celebrity gossip the trash, the carnival, the parades, King Momo, the grotesque, smelly and vile.

The candidate climbs in the polls, and his hand is closer to the door of the den. In, Punxsutawney, Groundhog is a tradition. In Peru, traditions and curse words are very similar.

(From: "Courier Salem").

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Getting Rid Of Kidney Stones In A Dog

José Mujica (President of Uruguay): "Speech of the pure intentions"

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
http://www.vosquedepalabrasvives.blogspot. com /

You know better than anyone that the knowledge and culture is not only effort but also pleasure.

say that people who jog along the promenade, there comes a point where it enters a sort of ecstasy, where there is no longer tired and you just need the pleasure.

I think with the knowledge and culture is the same. There comes a point where they study or research, or learn, is no longer an effort, and is pure enjoyment.

What good would that these delicacies were available to many people!

What good would be if the basket of quality of life that Uruguay may offer his people, had a lot of consumosintelectuales.

be smart but not because it is pleasurable. Because

enjoy, with the same intensity with which you can enjoy a bowl of noodles.

There is no mandatory list of things that make us happy!

Some may think that the ideal world is a place full of shopping centers.

In this world people are happy because everyone can leave bags full of new clothes and electrical boxes.

I have nothing against that vision, just say it's not the only possible.

say that we can also think of a country where people choose to fix things rather than throw them out, choose a small car instead of a autogrande, choosing instead to wrap up the heat.

waste is not what they do more mature companies. Go to Holland and see the city full of bicycles. There is going to realize that consumerism is not the choice of the true aristocracy of humanity. It is the choice of novelero and frivolous.

The Dutch ride bikes, use them to go to work but also to go to concerts or parks.

Because they have reached a level where their happiness is fed daily consumption of both material and intellectual.

So my friends, go and spreading the joy for knowledge.

In parallel, my modest contribution will be to try and walk the bike Uruguayan cycling.


And friends, the bridge between this today and that tomorrow we want has a name and is called education.

And look who is a long and difficult bridge to cross.

Because one thing is the rhetoric of education and another thing is that we decide to make the sacrifices involved esfuerzoeducativo launch and sustain a great time.

Investments in education are slow performance, do not look to any government move to delay resistance and force other demands.

But you have to do it.

We owe it to our children and grandchildren.

must happen now, when still fresh miracle of Internet technology and open up unprecedented opportunities for access to knowledge.

I was raised on the radio, saw the birth of the television, then television in color, then the satellite transmissions.

later turned out on my TV appeared forty channels, including those who were transmitting live from the U.S., Spain and Italy.

Then the cell and then the computer, which initially served only to process numbers.

Each one of those times, I stayed with my mouth open.
But now I ran out of capacity to surprise.

I feel like those humans who saw a wheel for the first time.

Or as those who saw the fire first.

One feels that he was fortunate to live a milestone in history.

are opening the doors of all libraries and all museums will be available to all scientific journals and books in the world Disable ALL.

And probably all movies and music from all over the world.

is overwhelming.

why we need all Uruguayans and especially uruguayita know how to swim in that stream.

have to get to the stream and surf on it like a duck to water.

if I get that strong intellectual matrix of which we spoke earlier.

Chiquilines know if our reasoning in order and know the questions to be worthwhile.

is like a race on two tracks, up there in the world's ocean of information, down here preparing for transatlantic shipping.

full-time schools, colleges in the interior, overcrowded tertiary education.

And probably English since kindergarten in public education. Because English

is not the language spoken by the Yankees, is the language that the Chinese understand the world.

can not be outside. We can not leave out our Chiquilines.

These are the tools that enable us to interact with the universal explosion of knowledge.

This new world we do not simplify life, to us complicated ..

forces us to go further and deeper into education.

no greater task before us.

José Mujica (President of Uruguay)


This guy is incredible. A few days ago, radio reporter from a radio Cap. Federal, called Black Gold, Tete Coustarot talking to who had who was eating at a small restaurant in Cologne, when he appeared with his wife Pepe, in his VW beetle 81. Surprised everyone (except the restaurant, they are competing newspapers) talked to everybody. All respected when eating lunch and when he left, he took out his wallet and paid like everyone else. Tete called the waiter that was taking and asked how he charged the President of the Republic.? To which the boy replied, if we do, we kill and is not more. Think

well that what he earned as President and his wife as an employee, will donate 70% of his party. When you Asked why, because I owe my party who I am and is standard. Also, if today I could live with $ 4,000 Uruguayans and now between my Mrs. and I came to the U $ s 7,000 per month. Do we want more?

A great example.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Comodo Pop Up Blocker

Jean Ortiz: Open letter to Mr. Juan Carlos de Borbon maker of "marquis"

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
http://www.vosquedepalabrasvives . /

Cartoon by Julio Carmona
Juan Carlos de Borbon
Maker of "marquis"
Dear Sir:

The only legitimacy that you have is to have been designated heir and king by a ruthless dictator who bled Spain for 35 years and ordered thousands of citizens into exile.

You were not elected in any vote by the English people, and while there is no democratic consultation in this regard, we take it as illegitimate.

you, besides being head of the Army, no stays away from political issues. Several statements have supported his neo-liberal policies, among other things.

But you are silent when it comes to search for the missing Republicans in the war, the war, Franco's dictatorship, tens of thousands of people ... Are not English?

You are silent on the issue of the thousands of children stolen by their mothers Franco Republican, those "missing in life." What does back to their true identity? You

boasts of Christian charity, but he acts contrary to the precepts of the Gospel: he has never been heard condemning Franco and his dictatorship, which you left it all "tied up and well tied."

At the time that more and more English aspire to a modern republic, social, federal, exceeding the archaism monarchy, you grant titles of nobility to their buddies, hereditary titles it off. (BO 02/04/2011) Shut up, you, please! You, yes you have to shut up!

Although it is constitutional (Art. 62), that "marquesmanía" is a mockery and an affront to democracy. A constitution that permits such deserves to be dusted and privileges renewed. This is not put into question the merits of Vargas Llosa, Vicente del Bosque, etc., But feudal combat exception. Marqués de Vargas Llosa " is to laugh, or shame.

But I confess also that this convert him very well, given its ideological shift for years, and his advocacy of political conservatism and capitalism more rampant.

You are worthy heir of the ancient kings, who, like a Carlos V, Felipe IV or creates its patronage network based on aristocratic eminence. These are not ideal in our European societies, customs rancid smell. Is over the age of "rentier ideal" seventeenth-century English.

face of such nonsense, many of us sing along: Viva la Republica! It is the legal regime of Spain voted by the people in 1931 and since then confiscated by Franco and you.


Jean Ortiz,
professor at the University of Pau,
Republican son of a guerrilla fighter.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Queens Court 120-55 Queens Blvd

Manuel Scorza: Making History: "Good bye, Mr. Hague

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
http://www.vosquedepalabrasvives.blogspot. com /

is a typical heir of betrayal stubborn:
not last or first
because there are more. HISTORICAL

APRA - 1954 The Journal

People of Mexico
June 7, 1954


Victor Raul Haya de la Torre
APRA Chief

you consider this letter as my irrevocable resignation APRA. Here's why:

in the number corresponding to May 24, Life magazine (English edition) published an account of her life at the Embassy of Colombia in the final section, page 44 - you write: "The Western history will continuously around their struggle to gain and preserve freedom. Therefore, justice usually means bread without freedom for East and sometimes I think, that communism has a major attraction in Asia than in Western countries. Marxism, as a political doctrine, is inconceivable without the total suppression of freedom. This can not prevail for long in a Western country, and in Eastern countries have accepted only while the bread is worth more than freedom. I believe that democracy and capitalism provide the safest solution to global problems, despite the fact that capitalism still has its flaws. "

This means ideological settlement APRA, APRA means the policy will traitorous collaboration with U.S. imperialism - what else threatens us more directly? - who led the party to defeat in 1948. The unknowns have thus been clarified: the curtain has fallen on the APRA. Anti-Imperialist

MARXISM / The APRA came to the political scene as a Marxist party, clear anti-imperialist content and fully aware of its transient role in the world revolution. "The doctrine of APRA, Haya de la Torre wrote in Anti-imperialism and APRA means, within Marxism, a new and methodical confrontation with the postulates which Marx formulated for Europe. "" The APRA says on page 119 - accept Marxist division of society into classes and class struggle as an expression of the process of history. "

What the APRA demuéstranlo was better than no words of its founder: "Our historical experience in Latin America, and especially the very important and contemporary Mexico, show that the immense power of U.S. imperialism can not be addressed without the unity of Latin American peoples. But as they conspire against the unity, helping each other, our ruling classes and imperialism, and how it helps those and ensures the maintenance of political power, the State, an instrument of oppression of one class over another, becomes a weapon of our national ruling classes and imperialist weapon to exploit our producing classes and our people remains divided. Consequently, the fight against our ruling class is essential, political power must be captured by producers and production must socialize. "(In the article What is APRA?, Published by Labour Montly). This doctrine, historical raison d'etre of APRA, has been totally denied by Haya de la Torre, and not as he intended, in dialectical Hegelian sense, but shamefully betrayed.

"THE BEST BUSSINES" / It is true that the APRA, as a political doctrine, no longer existed since the Second World War. Whoever doubts, read the books of Haya de la Torre continental defense and after the war, what? In its pages it is clear the disaster, a complete break with the primitive doctrine. Wonder, therefore, the cynicism with which Haya de la Torre responds to the anathema of Diego Rivera, who calls him a lackey of imperialism, saying: "My position is unwavering." (Always Magazine, number 48, page 33).

I wonder: Can it be unwavering position of a man who said "I propose the basic ideas of non-APRA as a vague ideal, but in positive terms, as the best bussines (the best deal) for the United States. "? (Sic!, In the book And after the war, what?, Page 204).

more if more is needed: On 16 September 1946, in a speech at a theater in Bogota, Haya de la Torre spoke these incredible words: "I have no fear of the imperialism of Wall Street, because it trains , but imperialism of Hollywood, because that corrupts us. What is serious is not power of the larger towns, such as the United States, but our inferiority complex. "

Check fraud was not easy for those who had 16 when Haya de la Torre wrote so limping words. I, like thousands of young people, I got to APRA because he believed it was synonymous with revolutionary aspirations of justice, believed in good faith, to fight for a Latin American national ideal, ie imperialism.

fact is that the contradiction between the bourgeois leadership of APRA and the revolutionary people of Peru, APRA took the defeat. It is true what Haya de la Torre said in Life. The revolution of October 3, 1948 was the result of grassroots discontent of APRA, and APRA were those who rose to the army. Well there began the division that now exists in the APRA.

In exile, the APRA split into two sectors: the unconditional Haya de la Torre, and the left sector, consisting mainly of youth .. For obvious reasons, while Haya de la Torre was at the Embassy of Colombia, officially kept the unit while we continued the ideological battle for the essential principles of APRA.

It is now clear political guidance, follow the APRA: your boss has been absolutely clear. Haya de la Torre prefers the compromise that will open the doors of the Presidency of the Republic to the drive way of his glorious youth. I can not join a party Thermidoreans without greatness.

OPPORTUNITY AND Demagoguery / The volteretazo Haya de la Torre is only due to opportunism. Nothing justifies the change, nothing justifies the man who wrote that "defensive first of our people must be the nationalization of wealth taken away from the clutches of imperialism" (The anti-imperialism and APRA, page 74), now says that "We must end our foolish ambition to industrialize even if we win nothing with it," and asserting that "should not undertake a nationalization drive, or by measures against foreign capital," and asserting that "just let the capitalists participate Foreigners in the direction of the national economy; and claim that "we urgently need a division of labor between the north-producing machines, and central and southern producers of raw materials." (interview with Haya de la Torre, published in the New Leader, New York, transmitted for United Press and published by El Universal, Mexico, last May.)

30 YEARS LATER / entre1924 What happened to 1954? What has happened to warrant such a categorical denial? "Gone was the danger that stalked us in 1924? Of course not. According to unimpeachable data of the Ministry of Commerce of the United States, investment of American capital in Latin America came in 1897 300 million dollars in 1919 amounted to 2.000 million, in 1942 reached 2.800 million, in 1947 dated back 4.700 million and in 1952 the amount was 5.700 million. The criterion of a school child would be enough to perceive the rising tide imperialist in 22 years (1897-1919) investments increased by 1.700 billion dollars, then in 7 years (1943-1950) exceeded that figure, 1.900 billion , and then in only 2 years (1950-1952) increased by 1.000 million.

What is the truth about Indo? An American writer, Samuel Guy Inman, public necessarily gives an answer: "In our neighboring Latin American republics, which have a total population of 160 million, more than half have never slept in a bed, have never owned a pair of shoes, have never been to school, have never received medical attention. Too many suffer from diseases and works in feudal conditions. Most of the industries belonging to foreigners. In the United States, the average worker earns in an hour, enough to buy eight kilos of bread, while in Bolivia, the work of one hour gives only 350 grams. "(Cuadernos Americanos, January 1952: The Revolution worldwide).

And in this America, imperialism out fabulous profits. Data provided by the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) show that in the period of 1945-1952, capital inflows to Latin America was U.S. $ 2.090 million, and that during the same period, earnings and business interests abroad amounted to 5.829 million dollars. It is understood that Anaconda can get, in Chile, confessed profit of $ 2.200 per worker, however ridiculous amount to earnings in 1950 had, in Venezuela, Creole Petroleum Corporation: 11.470 U.S. dollars per worker. (The drama of Latin America, for TE Alvarez, Cuadernos Americanos).

believe that hunger, misery, poverty America can be resolved through a compromise, "taking the capitalist under the table to take part in the direction of the national economy" as Haya de la Torre says, is worse than a simple lie: it is a stupid interested . How

ignore this distressing prospect? Before it can only be one position. The rabid anti Haya de la Torre agrees is too well known to the slogans of the Department of State (State Department) U.S.. To claim, as Haya de la Torre, which the great revolutions of Asia, arguing that the European workers' states, arguing that the Soviet Union imperialist cast shadows on our peoples, not only lie: it is siding with fascism maccarthysta. About the future of our peoples open two perspectives: either the anti-imperialist revolution and colonial slavery. We live in a world revolution. Can you deny it? This is the end of an era. Capitalism is like wine to the world: sweating blood and dirt from every pore. But beyond the dark days of the years, shines the light of a new world. At the dawn does not lead the way for opportunistic claudication.

Haya If they do not, and do not speak the same language. That's it. There is no reason not to despair. The failure of Haya de la Torre is the failure of a man, not a village.
separate paths. Has come, therefore, time to say goodbye: Good bye Mr. Hague! Manuel Scorza

NEWS / Document published in Lima - Peru, Generation Magazine, Issue 8, Special Edition for its First Anniversary: \u200b\u200bJune-July 1954, pages 3, 4, 9, 10 and 11 presented as follows:

"This letter of resignation known poet Manuel Scorza the APRA party, appeared in the Mexican newspaper El Popular, and he transcribed, taking into account the importance of the decision taken by the author."

(Text provided by: Jaime Guadalupe Bobadilla).

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ny Network Camera Snc-p1?

Carlos Sagun: The Milan judge has said," Guerrilla Warfare Is Not Terrorism "

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):

U.S. Terrorism is
that massacres everywhere:
if the people respond to armed
the accused terrorist.

by Carlos Sagun-Centro de Estudios Policarpa Salavarrieta. Nicaragua

06/02/2011 - abpnoticias-Carlos Sagun-Center Salavarrieta Policarpa Studies - In the flow of international politics, and imperial imposition in violation of the minimum parameters of international law, we are witnessing an attempt by the disappearance of political crime figure, trying in line with imperial interests, accusing the rebels arrested for crimes other than rebellion, are accused on charges of terrorism, kidnapping, conspiracy, and in an attempt to depoliticize the armed conflict are identified drug thus can be extradited to U.S. jails such as For two guerrillas and a guerrilla of the FARC in Colombia.

A long-term armed conflict as generates Colombian prisoners in the case of insurgent detainees under international law assume the status of prisoners of war, because their motivation has been a rebellion against a state that violates the most basic human rights against a state that provides no space for the peaceful opposition as demonstrated by the extermination of six thousand members of the Patriotic Union between 1985 and 1990, murders of candidates on the left and Democrats to win options (Jaime Pardo Leal, Carlos Pizarro, Bernardo Jaramillo, Luis Carlos Galán) and the thousands of murders of trade unionists and social leaders throughout the Colombian political history.

regard it is important to note the decision of the court of first instance of Milan, Clementina Forleo, when the January 24, 2005 in a process to two Islamic militants advance concluded "It is one thing and another guerrilla terrorism: it is necessary to distinguish between the activities in the context of war and those designed to hit the civil society indiscriminately. "

According to the judge, is guerrilla warfare and terrorism something else entirely. In his words "someone who committed attacks in the context of armed conflict, whether or not involving attacks on civilians intentionally, not terrorists".

This is a distinction fundamental that has not been adequately defined in any court in the world. According to Judge Forleo, "the notion of terrorism diverges from subversion, and as such, is not defined in a normative way.

She invokes the Global Convention on Terrorism of the United Nations in 1999 to affirm: "guerrilla activity or violence that occurs in the context of armed conflict, even when performed by non-institutional forces, can not be pursued, even at the level of international law unless laws are violated international humanitarian. "

According to their statements, to punish an act of guerrilla during conflict, as a terrorist, "would inevitably lead to an unjustifiable stance in support of the forces in conflict."

Read the Colombian context from the perspective of the court of Milan. The peasant uprising in Colombia since the early 50's, is a national war of resistance, cycles of violence and destruction suffered by the helpless peasant from the 1920 civil war became since the 50's, war waged by the peasantry as resistance to forms of violence, looting and destruction that have accompanied the rearrangements in the patterns of accumulation of capital in Colombian society.

agrarian resistance can not be characterized as a marginal fact, as it develops into a major hub of capitalist accumulation as Colombian agriculture and new patterns of production necessary for reproduction in Colombia from the extractive industry and mining mega-projects and farming culture biofuels.

The map of genocide and violent expulsion of the rural population is victim from the 20's, coincides with the map of concentration of land in the hands of landowners and transnational corporations, also in line with economic mega-projects, this is recurring from the 1920's and more deeply from 1980 until today. Front

looting, murder and the violent, there has been an intense process of agrarian insurrection from the 60 leads the Colombian insurgency, which is the expression of resistance to the violent and the impossibility of a civil action space and democratic movements rural and urban, the insurgency is likewise the resistance to the implementation of this model bloodthirsty set the economy, is also the expression of dispute over the inclusion of the majority and the democratization of the tyrannical regime prevailing in the housing Santanderists "democratic."

The insurgency is the resistance against oblivion, is the disruption to matrix made oblivion and barbarism narco state. In this context, we must read the conditions of fairness and legitimacy of the insurgent uprising.

breach of the right of rebellion and its relatedness rigged with terrorism not only occurs in the Colombian criminal law and its courts, has also been critical scenarios the mass media, especially Time, Caracol and RCN, which asymmetric warfare and weapons of matrices built out of public international law towards violate the legitimacy of insurgent resistance.

But in the last 20 years the so-called "democratic left" or also varied political center, left the track of political solution to the armed conflict and alinderó with government policy of extermination of the insurgency, they also joined the chorus of distorting the political offense stigmatize as terrorism. This alinderamiento became the confirmation of political co-optation of the left post-constitutional 1991 in Colombian society.

This left all its intellectuals were in the assembly and the new constitution of 91 the performance of the struggles of his life, finally reached the "democracy", they thought, but lacked strategic vision to read the new economic accumulation regime legitimized this constitution and the preparation required of terror elements to ensure the establishment and reproduction of this on operator model.

This intelligentsia and left thin, negotiated a peace agreement on oblivion and silence, peace signed by the guerrillas since 1990 was not only a political and military, was primarily an ideological pact, agreed to forget who came from a five years where a single political party left, the UP, had lost six thousand members, agreed upon in the oblivion of the disappearance and murder of 500,000 members of social organizations, agreed upon in the oblivion of assassination of the leading presidential choices this same Left government or political center (Bernardo, Pizarro, Galán).

The invocation of reconciliation and the end point given by many leaders of the "left" could have been legitimate, the covenant not to open wounds, an amnesty for insurgents and war criminals (paramilitares_militares), in exchange for substantial transformation of the country and construction of real guarantees of political democracy, even shameful, there could be some rationality embodied understandable, but agree not to alter the regime of terror that caused the genocide, agree without the oligarchy guaranteed in this agreement the slightest right, the right to life was nothing but the physical surrender of their struggle, physical claudication which was then accompanied by the closure of its utopian and strategic horizon, leaving substantial question about the problem power and minimum substantive transformation of Colombian society.

dispute took refuge in the local government and now appear as pioneers in this dispute, but it also erased the memory of the Patriotic Union and regional political movements, movements makers of this dispute and whose feat of proposals real transformation, even by peaceful means cost them the physical annihilation by the regime of terror prevailing in Colombia. While this left

coopted was installed and ran hastily to pick up the crumbs, the oligarchy answered this constitution shy of 91, with the activation of a profound process of political reform and against the establishment of a fascist military leadership and national coordination, Defense Forces of Colombia, as the only way to regulate and ensure the plunder and bloodshed that would be subject to the Colombian population, particularly her peasantry.

The oligarchy in this context, it boasts of its old spirit macho and militaristic the national picture of a left co-opted to try to supplement the military annihilation of the left who remained in arms. Green House attacks, insurgent stronghold that had been the FARC since the dialogues of the past five years, the oligarchy breaks unilaterally how little of the peace process still persisted and launched its strategy of annihilation.

During the 90's, state terrorism does kill thousands and thousands of peasants, workers, students and professionals unarmed, even comedians uncomfortable as Jaime Garzón, but their intention to annihilate the guerrilla military suffers resounding setback towards the end of the decade, guerrilla armies grow and begin to tip strategic blows to the Colombian Army, build strategic corridors and are positioned on the outskirts of Bogota in early 2000. After the ascent

insurgent military in the late 90's, comes a new period of dialogue, but curiously our tropical reality, the insurgency is always politically battered in the cycles of peace talks, on the contrary in the cycles of confrontation military resist persists and empowering. Case is met Fidel Castro when he said "no one survives in Colombia peace."

peace in the insurgency has lost politically, in the round of talks between 1985 to 1990, was beaten and exterminated legal political expression, despite the existence of UP was part of negotiated agreements with the government as part of a formula for building peace in the cycle peace negotiations conducted between 1989 and 2002, its legitimacy but not its correctness, was hit hard from a deep psychological operations game developed from the mass media.

While the blows to his political mistakes we can add legitimacy insurgents and various breaches of international humanitarian law, it is necessary to assess in perspective the silence of the media matrix from genocide proven in advance by members of the military and paramilitary armies, while, any violation of the insurgency to IHL, worked in public emotionality amplification and terrible fury.

In each of the two cycles mentioned above, the "peace process" have been as constant extermination of civilians, which is slaughtered, displaced and killed mercilessly by the policy of official terror.

But we return to the initial thread is the expression Colombian terrorist insurgency? From public international law and the right of peoples to revolt against a tyrannical government not is, from the epithet oligarchic media or the left if it is prepaid.

In the tradition of public international law is a policy framework that has resisted attempts by its collapse, the imperial attempts to criminalize as terrorist insurgent resistance of peoples has flourished in the international conventions on terrorism.

But remember that public international law, has been turned into a caricature of the imperial military power and the bourgeoisie of the world fail without restraint, they strive to qualify as terrorist actors whose political and open rebellion is justified by the structure close terrorist state the ways of peace and democratic politics.

stigmatizing behavior as terrorists freedom fighters, has no other purpose than to mask and hide the tragic civil war that has opened more than four decades, and denatured to a political actor.

This masking and keeps in a drawer silencing all theories of just war, which start to recognize the belligerent character of the opposing sides, assume them as public enemies and treat them under the positive rules of law of war.

Since the rules of war contained in the "public international law" once in arms, the side, which is essentially belligerent, should be treated as public enemy. This means 1. That being the subject of law of war can not be criminalized by domestic law, law of the regime against which it has been up in arms and whose law does not recognize or aspires to transform, 2. Its destruction is a legitimate target of war 3. Hostilities must be conducted considering the peace treaty eventulidad 4. Captured belligerents can not be tried for rebellion, but the character will automatically be prisoners of war shall be released only until end of the war or the parties agree to a swap prisoners, 5. Defeated belligerents are entitled to amnesty except for those who have committed crimes against humanity, 6. In a civil war in which the State is a party, it can not judge the actions of the belligerents who oppose him under the law.

Well, first go right and the other the conduct of the murderous Colombian oligarchy, which has won a quarter of an hour to inflicting a political blow to the guerrillas in their laboratories for the production of artificial and virtual legitimacy. It has beaten the legitimacy of an insurgent actor, but not its correctness, the correctness of its removal is not evaluated by the courts of "general public "fabricated from the most-media, but in the court of the people and history, which if the judge will make it fair and will survive for failure: The Guerrilla War is not terrorism, is popular resistance against tyranny.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Calcified Cyst Oon Dogs Back

Journal 16: The (sad) role within

"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
http://www.vosquedepalabrasvives.blogspot. com /

The Betrayer
once betrays all his life: if you smell
is because it is rotting flesh.
In August 2008, a report of Citizen Security Ideele revealed that the company Transportes Don Reynolds, of which he is general manager Jose Antonio Nava Mendiola since 1995, carried on several occasions-chemical inputs to the mining company of the Sanchez Paredes, Comarsa.

However, both the Public Ministry, as the same DIRANDRO at the hands of today then Interior Minister, Miguel Hidalgo, decided, in sync, look other side. The reason for this dubious inaction would have to do with Hidalgo's links with the highest levels of the Government Palace.

As is known, Nava Mendiola is the son of the current Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic, Luis Nava, who was also bound by the case processed by the Business Track (BTR) Giselle Giannotti with this extended family, currently charged with drug trafficking and money laundering.

According to documents released by Public Safety, from 12 November 2003 and December 30 of that year, Transport Don Reynolds made no fewer than nine shipments of supplies to the mining of freedom that belongs to the Sanchez Paredes.

Asked about the issue, José Antonio Nava denied any personal relationship with the Sanchez Paredes, and stated that the work of transportation represented only 1% of income of the company. "There was no personal relationship with the Sanchez Paredes, and returned to them ... was diluted freight relationship with them ... it was a dwarf operation," he said in an interview with IDL. For many strange that if there was nothing irregular, cease doing business, even "dwarf" they were. Nava said to have seen the Sánchez Paredes in the Turkish bath, but said he did not know. Similarly, Nava-accused father lately by his own supporters to commit fraud in the primaries of the APRA-appeared to the media to point out that he had no links with the said clan.

However, what attracted wide attention was that no authority has even called for such characters, linked to the presidential entourage, to testify in the process that was coming following the Sánchez Paredes for money laundering. The Anti-Drug Directorate (DIRANDRO), an entity must investigate and report to the people involved in the production and marketing of drugs, diversion of chemical precursors and money laundering, in command at that time of Miguel Hidalgo, did absolutely nothing even attempting to substantiate the links between Nava and Sánchez Paredes. The latter is known, and were being investigated by the authorities.

tests were published by Ideele and bounced with some trepidation by some media, but the authorities decided not to address this issue. But that same information from the journalist Gustavo Gorriti hinted also various links and connections that the government of Alan García would have with the drug and that came to light with the odd sale of a truck.

This rare transaction in a Nissan Frontier Crew Cab 4x4, who came to Peru and was sold at the price of anything, generated great excitement as the vehicle in question had a list price for the sale of 29 thousand 850 dollars, and the company made a substantial discount of 11 thousand 850 dollars, to sell at $ 18 000, no less than Don Alan Gabriel García Pérez.

But the 4x4 double cab did not even last a year in property of the family García Nores. García resold on July 4, 2003, in the office of notary Loayza Fernando Bellido, for $ 22,000 to the High Technology and Investment Company Mining and Metallurgical SA [ATIMM SA] That company was represented by its general manager Belisario Esteves Ostolaza, who paid the cash. According to court documents, Garcia won $ 4 000 in this operation. He said that the sale had put an ad in the classifieds of the newspaper El Comercio (known so far such warnings have not been found).

journalistic research found that Esteves, former vice minister of Commerce, Alan 85 - and the company ATIMM SA "turned out to be the facade of the company Sánchez Paredes clan, linked more than once a drug. Indeed, so close was the relationship between ATIMM Paredes Sánchez SA and the truck in question ended-a year later was managed by none other than Alfredo Sánchez Miranda, the other son of Orlando Sanchez Paredes, as stated in a ballot of 18 August 2004.

That date, a police officer obviously did not know the identity of the driver of the Nissan Frontier 4x4, received one traffic ticket ballot on the block 5 of Grau, the citizen Alfredo Sánchez, son none other than Orlando Sanchez walls and missing nephew Percile and Second Sánchez Paredes, both linked to drug trafficking. The vehicle was registered to a company: High Tech & Investment SA Mining and Metallurgy (ATIMM SA), headquartered in Columbus shred 130, of. 301, Miraflores. Another character

who served as general manager of SA was Humberto ATIMM Abanto, a lawyer and former aide Luis Alva Castro. Abanto is worth noting that APRA and is reportedly one of the men closest to the Sánchez Paredes. Despite all this detailed report, the favorite minister Alan García, Miguel Hidalgo, did nothing or did not bother to corroborate the information or links Nava, Alva Castro Garcia and the family of the Sánchez Paredes.

This empathy is evident García Hidalgo, head of the DIRANDRO became Minister of the Interior. The issue that most joined García Hidalgo was the shaking of the Petroaudios case, raised the same year (2008), when these recordings revealed that people from the presidential entourage were suckers, from the secretary of the Palace and the henchman García and, perhaps, to the Head of State.

Then García Hidalgo commissioned the investigation, then director of the DINANDRO, who was instructed to catch the suckers. As we know, these were finally captured, but then started another operation, the cleaning of all information that could be embarrassing to Garcia and his environment. They say that the events and other entripados often bring people together, in the case Hidalgo - García, apparent.

Congressman Yonhy Lescano said that there are serious charges that have not been clarified and refuted by the general Hidalgo, including their real participation in the abduction, disappearance and change of USB devices seized. Lescano member of the commission investigating the case and issued a minority report. That says Hidalgo was directed and commanded by officers who raided the home of Giannotti, and concluded with some prosecutors to steal, disappear and change the items seized, which was material evidence.

This opinion further concluded that there would be evidence that Hidalgo failed to report to his superiors (the then director of the National Police Walter Remicio, and Interior Minister Remigio Hernani) on action to housing Giannotti, 8 January 2009. The report also accused of having prepared Hidalgo forged documents to pretend that he reported to his superiors in carrying out the operation in house Giannotti. Lescano

recalled that both Hernani Remicio as expressly told the committee that they Hidalgo said President Garcia had ordered directly take charge of the investigation, so "only should be accountable to him." Lighter or water.

(From the Journal-16, Lima-Peru).