"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
http://www.vosquedepalabrasvives.blogspot. com /
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is a typical heir of betrayal stubborn: not last or first because there are more. HISTORICAL |
APRA - 1954 The Journal
People of Mexico
June 7, 1954
Victor Raul Haya de la Torre
APRA Chief
you consider this letter as my irrevocable resignation APRA. Here's why:
in the number corresponding to May 24, Life magazine (English edition) published an account of her life at the Embassy of Colombia in the final section, page 44 - you write: "The Western history will continuously around their struggle to gain and preserve freedom. Therefore, justice usually means bread without freedom for East and sometimes I think, that communism has a major attraction in Asia than in Western countries. Marxism, as a political doctrine, is inconceivable without the total suppression of freedom. This can not prevail for long in a Western country, and in Eastern countries have accepted only while the bread is worth more than freedom. I believe that democracy and capitalism provide the safest solution to global problems, despite the fact that capitalism still has its flaws. "
This means ideological settlement APRA, APRA means the policy will traitorous collaboration with U.S. imperialism - what else threatens us more directly? - who led the party to defeat in 1948. The unknowns have thus been clarified: the curtain has fallen on the APRA. Anti-Imperialist
MARXISM / The APRA came to the political scene as a Marxist party, clear anti-imperialist content and fully aware of its transient role in the world revolution. "The doctrine of APRA, Haya de la Torre wrote in Anti-imperialism and APRA means, within Marxism, a new and methodical confrontation with the postulates which Marx formulated for Europe. "" The APRA says on page 119 - accept Marxist division of society into classes and class struggle as an expression of the process of history. "
What the APRA demuéstranlo was better than no words of its founder: "Our historical experience in Latin America, and especially the very important and contemporary Mexico, show that the immense power of U.S. imperialism can not be addressed without the unity of Latin American peoples. But as they conspire against the unity, helping each other, our ruling classes and imperialism, and how it helps those and ensures the maintenance of political power, the State, an instrument of oppression of one class over another, becomes a weapon of our national ruling classes and imperialist weapon to exploit our producing classes and our people remains divided. Consequently, the fight against our ruling class is essential, political power must be captured by producers and production must socialize. "(In the article What is APRA?, Published by Labour Montly). This doctrine, historical raison d'etre of APRA, has been totally denied by Haya de la Torre, and not as he intended, in dialectical Hegelian sense, but shamefully betrayed.
"THE BEST BUSSINES" / It is true that the APRA, as a political doctrine, no longer existed since the Second World War. Whoever doubts, read the books of Haya de la Torre continental defense and after the war, what? In its pages it is clear the disaster, a complete break with the primitive doctrine. Wonder, therefore, the cynicism with which Haya de la Torre responds to the anathema of Diego Rivera, who calls him a lackey of imperialism, saying: "My position is unwavering." (Always Magazine, number 48, page 33).
I wonder: Can it be unwavering position of a man who said "I propose the basic ideas of non-APRA as a vague ideal, but in positive terms, as the best bussines (the best deal) for the United States. "? (Sic!, In the book And after the war, what?, Page 204).
more if more is needed: On 16 September 1946, in a speech at a theater in Bogota, Haya de la Torre spoke these incredible words: "I have no fear of the imperialism of Wall Street, because it trains , but imperialism of Hollywood, because that corrupts us. What is serious is not power of the larger towns, such as the United States, but our inferiority complex. "
Check fraud was not easy for those who had 16 when Haya de la Torre wrote so limping words. I, like thousands of young people, I got to APRA because he believed it was synonymous with revolutionary aspirations of justice, believed in good faith, to fight for a Latin American national ideal, ie imperialism.
fact is that the contradiction between the bourgeois leadership of APRA and the revolutionary people of Peru, APRA took the defeat. It is true what Haya de la Torre said in Life. The revolution of October 3, 1948 was the result of grassroots discontent of APRA, and APRA were those who rose to the army. Well there began the division that now exists in the APRA.
In exile, the APRA split into two sectors: the unconditional Haya de la Torre, and the left sector, consisting mainly of youth .. For obvious reasons, while Haya de la Torre was at the Embassy of Colombia, officially kept the unit while we continued the ideological battle for the essential principles of APRA.
It is now clear political guidance, follow the APRA: your boss has been absolutely clear. Haya de la Torre prefers the compromise that will open the doors of the Presidency of the Republic to the drive way of his glorious youth. I can not join a party Thermidoreans without greatness.
OPPORTUNITY AND Demagoguery / The volteretazo Haya de la Torre is only due to opportunism. Nothing justifies the change, nothing justifies the man who wrote that "defensive first of our people must be the nationalization of wealth taken away from the clutches of imperialism" (The anti-imperialism and APRA, page 74), now says that "We must end our foolish ambition to industrialize even if we win nothing with it," and asserting that "should not undertake a nationalization drive, or by measures against foreign capital," and asserting that "just let the capitalists participate Foreigners in the direction of the national economy; and claim that "we urgently need a division of labor between the north-producing machines, and central and southern producers of raw materials." (interview with Haya de la Torre, published in the New Leader, New York, transmitted for United Press and published by El Universal, Mexico, last May.)
30 YEARS LATER / entre1924 What happened to 1954? What has happened to warrant such a categorical denial? "Gone was the danger that stalked us in 1924? Of course not. According to unimpeachable data of the Ministry of Commerce of the United States, investment of American capital in Latin America came in 1897 300 million dollars in 1919 amounted to 2.000 million, in 1942 reached 2.800 million, in 1947 dated back 4.700 million and in 1952 the amount was 5.700 million. The criterion of a school child would be enough to perceive the rising tide imperialist in 22 years (1897-1919) investments increased by 1.700 billion dollars, then in 7 years (1943-1950) exceeded that figure, 1.900 billion , and then in only 2 years (1950-1952) increased by 1.000 million.
What is the truth about Indo? An American writer, Samuel Guy Inman, public necessarily gives an answer: "In our neighboring Latin American republics, which have a total population of 160 million, more than half have never slept in a bed, have never owned a pair of shoes, have never been to school, have never received medical attention. Too many suffer from diseases and works in feudal conditions. Most of the industries belonging to foreigners. In the United States, the average worker earns in an hour, enough to buy eight kilos of bread, while in Bolivia, the work of one hour gives only 350 grams. "(Cuadernos Americanos, January 1952: The Revolution worldwide).
And in this America, imperialism out fabulous profits. Data provided by the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) show that in the period of 1945-1952, capital inflows to Latin America was U.S. $ 2.090 million, and that during the same period, earnings and business interests abroad amounted to 5.829 million dollars. It is understood that Anaconda can get, in Chile, confessed profit of $ 2.200 per worker, however ridiculous amount to earnings in 1950 had, in Venezuela, Creole Petroleum Corporation: 11.470 U.S. dollars per worker. (The drama of Latin America, for TE Alvarez, Cuadernos Americanos).
believe that hunger, misery, poverty America can be resolved through a compromise, "taking the capitalist under the table to take part in the direction of the national economy" as Haya de la Torre says, is worse than a simple lie: it is a stupid interested . How
ignore this distressing prospect? Before it can only be one position. The rabid anti Haya de la Torre agrees is too well known to the slogans of the Department of State (State Department) U.S.. To claim, as Haya de la Torre, which the great revolutions of Asia, arguing that the European workers' states, arguing that the Soviet Union imperialist cast shadows on our peoples, not only lie: it is siding with fascism maccarthysta. About the future of our peoples open two perspectives: either the anti-imperialist revolution and colonial slavery. We live in a world revolution. Can you deny it? This is the end of an era. Capitalism is like wine to the world: sweating blood and dirt from every pore. But beyond the dark days of the years, shines the light of a new world. At the dawn does not lead the way for opportunistic claudication.
Haya If they do not, and do not speak the same language. That's it. There is no reason not to despair. The failure of Haya de la Torre is the failure of a man, not a village.
separate paths. Has come, therefore, time to say goodbye: Good bye Mr. Hague! Manuel Scorza
NEWS / Document published in Lima - Peru, Generation Magazine, Issue 8, Special Edition for its First Anniversary: \u200b\u200bJune-July 1954, pages 3, 4, 9, 10 and 11 presented as follows:
"This letter of resignation known poet Manuel Scorza the APRA party, appeared in the Mexican newspaper El Popular, and he transcribed, taking into account the importance of the decision taken by the author."
(Text provided by: Jaime Guadalupe Bobadilla).
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