"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
http://www.vosquedepalabrasvives.blogspot. com /
The Betrayer once betrays all his life: if you smell scum, is because it is rotting flesh. |
In August 2008, a report of Citizen Security Ideele revealed that the company Transportes Don Reynolds, of which he is general manager Jose Antonio Nava Mendiola since 1995, carried on several occasions-chemical inputs to the mining company of the Sanchez Paredes, Comarsa.
However, both the Public Ministry, as the same DIRANDRO at the hands of today then Interior Minister, Miguel Hidalgo, decided, in sync, look other side. The reason for this dubious inaction would have to do with Hidalgo's links with the highest levels of the Government Palace.
As is known, Nava Mendiola is the son of the current Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic, Luis Nava, who was also bound by the case processed by the Business Track (BTR) Giselle Giannotti with this extended family, currently charged with drug trafficking and money laundering.
According to documents released by Public Safety, from 12 November 2003 and December 30 of that year, Transport Don Reynolds made no fewer than nine shipments of supplies to the mining of freedom that belongs to the Sanchez Paredes.
Asked about the issue, José Antonio Nava denied any personal relationship with the Sanchez Paredes, and stated that the work of transportation represented only 1% of income of the company. "There was no personal relationship with the Sanchez Paredes, and returned to them ... was diluted freight relationship with them ... it was a dwarf operation," he said in an interview with IDL. For many strange that if there was nothing irregular, cease doing business, even "dwarf" they were. Nava said to have seen the Sánchez Paredes in the Turkish bath, but said he did not know. Similarly, Nava-accused father lately by his own supporters to commit fraud in the primaries of the APRA-appeared to the media to point out that he had no links with the said clan.
However, what attracted wide attention was that no authority has even called for such characters, linked to the presidential entourage, to testify in the process that was coming following the Sánchez Paredes for money laundering. The Anti-Drug Directorate (DIRANDRO), an entity must investigate and report to the people involved in the production and marketing of drugs, diversion of chemical precursors and money laundering, in command at that time of Miguel Hidalgo, did absolutely nothing even attempting to substantiate the links between Nava and Sánchez Paredes. The latter is known, and were being investigated by the authorities.
tests were published by Ideele and bounced with some trepidation by some media, but the authorities decided not to address this issue. But that same information from the journalist Gustavo Gorriti hinted also various links and connections that the government of Alan García would have with the drug and that came to light with the odd sale of a truck.
This rare transaction in a Nissan Frontier Crew Cab 4x4, who came to Peru and was sold at the price of anything, generated great excitement as the vehicle in question had a list price for the sale of 29 thousand 850 dollars, and the company made a substantial discount of 11 thousand 850 dollars, to sell at $ 18 000, no less than Don Alan Gabriel García Pérez.
But the 4x4 double cab did not even last a year in property of the family García Nores. García resold on July 4, 2003, in the office of notary Loayza Fernando Bellido, for $ 22,000 to the High Technology and Investment Company Mining and Metallurgical SA [ATIMM SA] That company was represented by its general manager Belisario Esteves Ostolaza, who paid the cash. According to court documents, Garcia won $ 4 000 in this operation. He said that the sale had put an ad in the classifieds of the newspaper El Comercio (known so far such warnings have not been found).
journalistic research found that Esteves, former vice minister of Commerce, Alan 85 - and the company ATIMM SA "turned out to be the facade of the company Sánchez Paredes clan, linked more than once a drug. Indeed, so close was the relationship between ATIMM Paredes Sánchez SA and the truck in question ended-a year later was managed by none other than Alfredo Sánchez Miranda, the other son of Orlando Sanchez Paredes, as stated in a ballot of 18 August 2004.
That date, a police officer obviously did not know the identity of the driver of the Nissan Frontier 4x4, received one traffic ticket ballot on the block 5 of Grau, the citizen Alfredo Sánchez, son none other than Orlando Sanchez walls and missing nephew Percile and Second Sánchez Paredes, both linked to drug trafficking. The vehicle was registered to a company: High Tech & Investment SA Mining and Metallurgy (ATIMM SA), headquartered in Columbus shred 130, of. 301, Miraflores. Another character
who served as general manager of SA was Humberto ATIMM Abanto, a lawyer and former aide Luis Alva Castro. Abanto is worth noting that APRA and is reportedly one of the men closest to the Sánchez Paredes. Despite all this detailed report, the favorite minister Alan García, Miguel Hidalgo, did nothing or did not bother to corroborate the information or links Nava, Alva Castro Garcia and the family of the Sánchez Paredes.
This empathy is evident García Hidalgo, head of the DIRANDRO became Minister of the Interior. The issue that most joined García Hidalgo was the shaking of the Petroaudios case, raised the same year (2008), when these recordings revealed that people from the presidential entourage were suckers, from the secretary of the Palace and the henchman García and, perhaps, to the Head of State.
Then García Hidalgo commissioned the investigation, then director of the DINANDRO, who was instructed to catch the suckers. As we know, these were finally captured, but then started another operation, the cleaning of all information that could be embarrassing to Garcia and his environment. They say that the events and other entripados often bring people together, in the case Hidalgo - García, apparent.
Congressman Yonhy Lescano said that there are serious charges that have not been clarified and refuted by the general Hidalgo, including their real participation in the abduction, disappearance and change of USB devices seized. Lescano member of the commission investigating the case and issued a minority report. That says Hidalgo was directed and commanded by officers who raided the home of Giannotti, and concluded with some prosecutors to steal, disappear and change the items seized, which was material evidence.
This opinion further concluded that there would be evidence that Hidalgo failed to report to his superiors (the then director of the National Police Walter Remicio, and Interior Minister Remigio Hernani) on action to housing Giannotti, 8 January 2009. The report also accused of having prepared Hidalgo forged documents to pretend that he reported to his superiors in carrying out the operation in house Giannotti. Lescano
recalled that both Hernani Remicio as expressly told the committee that they Hidalgo said President Garcia had ordered directly take charge of the investigation, so "only should be accountable to him." Lighter or water.
(From the Journal-16, Lima-Peru).
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