José Mujica (President of Uruguay): "Speech of the pure intentions"
"If you do not live to serve, not serve to live" is the motto
Julio Carmona (edited with the collaboration of John Victor Alfaro):
http://www.vosquedepalabrasvives.blogspot. com /
You know better than anyone that the knowledge and culture is not only effort but also pleasure.
say that people who jog along the promenade, there comes a point where it enters a sort of ecstasy, where there is no longer tired and you just need the pleasure.
I think with the knowledge and culture is the same. There comes a point where they study or research, or learn, is no longer an effort, and is pure enjoyment.
What good would that these delicacies were available to many people!
What good would be if the basket of quality of life that Uruguay may offer his people, had a lot of consumosintelectuales.
be smart but not because it is pleasurable. Because
enjoy, with the same intensity with which you can enjoy a bowl of noodles.
There is no mandatory list of things that make us happy!
Some may think that the ideal world is a place full of shopping centers.
In this world people are happy because everyone can leave bags full of new clothes and electrical boxes.
I have nothing against that vision, just say it's not the only possible.
say that we can also think of a country where people choose to fix things rather than throw them out, choose a small car instead of a autogrande, choosing instead to wrap up the heat.
waste is not what they do more mature companies. Go to Holland and see the city full of bicycles. There is going to realize that consumerism is not the choice of the true aristocracy of humanity. It is the choice of novelero and frivolous.
The Dutch ride bikes, use them to go to work but also to go to concerts or parks.
Because they have reached a level where their happiness is fed daily consumption of both material and intellectual.
So my friends, go and spreading the joy for knowledge.
In parallel, my modest contribution will be to try and walk the bike Uruguayan cycling.
And friends, the bridge between this today and that tomorrow we want has a name and is called education.
And look who is a long and difficult bridge to cross.
Because one thing is the rhetoric of education and another thing is that we decide to make the sacrifices involved esfuerzoeducativo launch and sustain a great time.
Investments in education are slow performance, do not look to any government move to delay resistance and force other demands.
But you have to do it.
We owe it to our children and grandchildren.
must happen now, when still fresh miracle of Internet technology and open up unprecedented opportunities for access to knowledge.
I was raised on the radio, saw the birth of the television, then television in color, then the satellite transmissions.
later turned out on my TV appeared forty channels, including those who were transmitting live from the U.S., Spain and Italy.
Then the cell and then the computer, which initially served only to process numbers.
Each one of those times, I stayed with my mouth open.
But now I ran out of capacity to surprise.
I feel like those humans who saw a wheel for the first time.
Or as those who saw the fire first.
One feels that he was fortunate to live a milestone in history.
are opening the doors of all libraries and all museums will be available to all scientific journals and books in the world Disable ALL.
And probably all movies and music from all over the world.
is overwhelming.
why we need all Uruguayans and especially uruguayita know how to swim in that stream.
have to get to the stream and surf on it like a duck to water.
if I get that strong intellectual matrix of which we spoke earlier.
Chiquilines know if our reasoning in order and know the questions to be worthwhile.
is like a race on two tracks, up there in the world's ocean of information, down here preparing for transatlantic shipping.
full-time schools, colleges in the interior, overcrowded tertiary education.
And probably English since kindergarten in public education. Because English
is not the language spoken by the Yankees, is the language that the Chinese understand the world.
can not be outside. We can not leave out our Chiquilines.
These are the tools that enable us to interact with the universal explosion of knowledge.
This new world we do not simplify life, to us complicated ..
forces us to go further and deeper into education.
no greater task before us.
José Mujica (President of Uruguay)
This guy is incredible. A few days ago, radio reporter from a radio Cap. Federal, called Black Gold, Tete Coustarot talking to who had who was eating at a small restaurant in Cologne, when he appeared with his wife Pepe, in his VW beetle 81. Surprised everyone (except the restaurant, they are competing newspapers) talked to everybody. All respected when eating lunch and when he left, he took out his wallet and paid like everyone else. Tete called the waiter that was taking and asked how he charged the President of the Republic.? To which the boy replied, if we do, we kill and is not more. Think
well that what he earned as President and his wife as an employee, will donate 70% of his party. When you Asked why, because I owe my party who I am and is standard. Also, if today I could live with $ 4,000 Uruguayans and now between my Mrs. and I came to the U $ s 7,000 per month. Do we want more?
A great example.
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